XXIII- Apologies, Apologies

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The next day at school I tried to ignore Dean as much as possible. When Becca called me yesterday with an update and to check up on me, I asked her to take me to school. I made it into Mr. Morgan's before Dean and thankfully he had Dean sit far away from me. Unfortunately Dean kept trying to talk to me to which I ignored. He could've seriously hurt himself driving drunk. At this point the fact that he hurt me is the least of my problems.

During lunch I asked Mrs. Ryle if I could stay in her room to catch up on homework so Dean wouldn't find me in the cafeteria.

Now that it's the end of the day I head to Mr. Morgan's. Becca asked if I wanted her to walk me but she has things to do today. Dean finally catches up to me at my locker. When I don't awknowledge him and contiue walking he speaks up, "Livia will you fucking stop? I'm trying to apologize." His frustration is evident so I turn to him.

Now that I'm stopped I question, "What Dean?"

He comes closer to me but I take a step back, "I want to apologize." His words come off his tongue too easily. How are we so used to this by now?

It makes me angry that he thinks an apology will fix everything between us. The truth is it's going to take a lot more than that. "For which part exactly?" I yell, "For constantly forcing yourself on me? Accusing me of sleeping with Jake? How about driving drunk but not before giving me these?" Just as I say that I lift up my shirt so that he can see the bruises on my waist.

Dean freezes as he eyes me wearily. I'm so used to his guilted expression, it's starting to make me sick. "I'm so sorry for all of that please, you have to believe me." he tries once more to get close to me but I drop my shirt and take another step back.

A part of me is tired of the fighting and wants to cave in. The other part of me realizes this as a cycle that needs to be broken. "No I don't Dean, just leave me alone." I turn around and stop dead in my tracks when I see Mr. Morgan standing in his doorway.

"Shit." Dean curses once he notices our teacher.

Mr. Morgan looks so pissed off as he glares at Dean, "I suggest you go home before I notify the principle of what I just saw." His words are laced with a coldness that sends a shiver down my spine.

I hear Dean shuffle from behind me, "I'm sorry Liv," He says causing me to internally cringe at the shortening of my name. Without making eye contact with Mr. Morgan, I make my way inside the room. I don't close the door behind me hoping that Mr. Morgan will make him leave.

I can only see my teacher as he stands there with his arms crossed over his chest, he stares at Dean who doesn't dare speak first. "It's Livia," He corrects, surprising me.

"What?" Dean asks.

"You said Liv, but it's Livia." Mr. Morgan repeats before turning to the classroom door. He waits quietly for Dean to completely walk away.

Mr. Morgan makes his way inside the classroom and shuts the door. I'm pacing back and forth, continuously moving my hair out of my face. When I notice him I stop pacing and look up at him.

"I'm sorry." I sigh.

Mr. Morgan walks up to me but doesn't touch me like I want him to. "Don't be." He simply says. His anger has completely dissolved from before.

"How much of that did you see?"

"All of it, I guess that answers my question about what happened to you." He responds.
I shake my head at him, "You weren't supposed to see that." I guess it serves me right for yelling at Dean right in front of his door. Mr. Morgan doesn't say anything back.

I suppose it makes no difference that he did see it. He moves away from me and goes over to his desk. "What now?" I ask.

He glances up at me, "Now you get to work."
As I sit down I wonder something, "Why did you correct Dean about how he says my name?"

Mr. Morgan looks at me with his bright green eyes. "Because I know how much you hate it."

I don't ask any more questions, I just focus on the work in front of me. There's something so amazing about Mr. Morgan. No one would ever correct Dean just to do it, he's got this school wrapped around his finger. Even my best friends love him.

Mr. Morgan sees right through that even from day one. "Thank you." I say. I might be confused about my feeling for Dean but one thing I'm not confused about it Mr. Morgan. He's been helping me all along and I would be so alone in all of this if it wasn't for him. Even spending this hour after school with him always makes me feel better. I wonder if it was him or the work that did this to me. After some time I came to the conclusion that it's him. Him and his warm smile. Him and his green eyes that light up every time they meet mine. Everything about him, makes me forget about all of my problems. That's why I did what I did the other night so easily. It wasn't because I was hurt by Dean or because I was upset and not thinking clearly. Yeah that gave me the push I needed but in reality it was because of him, because he's always there when I need him. Even when I don't know that I need him.

Even if that's wrong, even if he is my teacher.

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