XI- About Last Night

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When I wake up the next morning Jenny and Becca are still asleep.

I have the biggest craving for coffee so I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen. Once I'm done making it, I pour it into a mug with cream and sugar. "Good morning, Livia." I almost choke on my coffee.

"Mom," I say as she walks into the kitchen. My mom grabs herself a mug and pours her coffee. I don't know how but she drinks it black with no problem.

"We made it back super early this morning. Your dad is asleep but I wanted to wait for you." With that, she pulls me in for a hug. I embrace her, missing her expensive perfume and motherly hugs. When we pull away she smiles, "I saw Becca's car in the driveway. Does that mean she's here?"

I take another drink of my coffee and nod, "So is Jenny. Her dad's dinner party was last night."

My mom rolls her eyes, "Has it already been a year?" She laughs, her laugh is similar to mine. I look more like my mom than my dad. We have the same olive skin tone and long brown hair. The only thing I got from him are his hazel brown eyes. "So, what did you guys do instead?"

I set my mug down and lean against the counter, "Luke got us into a club. Don't worry, nothing crazy happened." I've never had to lie to my parents. Since they're gone most of the time they expect me to do things they wouldn't necessarily be proud of. Of course I never really have, I've never done drugs or even had sex before. That didn't stop my mom from putting me on birth control when I was sixteen.

"You're eighteen now, you can make your own decisions. I'm just glad you were safe." She comes up to me and kisses my forehead. "I'm going to bed now but when I wake up we'll catch up." My mom promises as she takes her coffee and starts to leave.

"Love you, Mom," I say.

"Love you too." I hear her walk up the stairs and walk inside her room before closing the door.

My parents and I have never had any real problems. I think most of it has to do with their hectic work schedule. They feel bad for being gone all the time so they don't argue with me. Sometimes I'd trade it all for parents instead of friends but we can't always get what we want.

"Thank God, I thought I was dreaming when I smelled coffee," Bee said coming down the stairs and finding a mug.

Jenny follows in suit behind her but doesn't go near the coffee, "I'll never understand how you drink that stuff." She grimaces.

"It's called caffeine." Becca responds, "Highly addictive."

"It's true," I add.

Once Bee takes a drink her eyes narrow on me, "Now that I'm ready to face the day...I should head home." She tries to finish off her coffee before placing it in the sink. "Jen do you need a ride home?"

I stay downstairs while they gather their stuff and head out.

Leaving me all by myself until my parents wake up.

"Your first test is this Friday so this week will be spent reviewing and going over the study guides I have made for you." Mr. Morgan says as he writes specific notes on the board.

Ever since I walked into class I've been trying to figure out whether or not he remembers Saturday. When the bell rings I make my way out of the classroom before he can stop me. I know we have to address what happened eventually, but I'd rather not do it in between classes.

"Are you okay today?" Dean asks as he walks me to my next class.

"Yeah, I'm just out of it." I feel bad for lying to Dean. We don't lie to each other but I don't think knowing about Mr. Morgan at the club will go over well.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me to his side. "Are you staying after school for Mr. Morgan today?"

Should I? Should we get through this awkwardness and forget anything even happened? When I think about it he was drunk, and it's not like he made a real move anyway. The last time I checked he didn't even really like me. "Yes." I decide.

The day goes by pretty fast and before I know it I find myself at Mr. Morgan's door. When he notices me he clears his throat, "Livia, come in." I walk in and shut the door behind me. "I have to admit, I didn't think you'd show up today."

I pull a chair up to his desk and sit down. There's a stack of papers that he was just grading so I take it with the answer key beside it. "I'm your TA aren't I?" I ask rhetorically, not looking up from my work.

He watches me silently, it's odd but I've gotten used to his burning gaze. "I think I should explain myself." Mr. Morgan says, gaining my attention but I keep my eyes on the paper in front of me.

I set my pen down, "It's not a big deal, honestly."

"Then why won't you look at me?"

I stop, finally moving my gaze up to him, "Because it's weird and awkward and I don't understand why you-"

"I'm sorry." He interrupts me with a low tone. "I was drunk and when I saw you I just...I wasn't thinking." He's sincere but I don't know what to say back. I know he truly didn't mean to touch me or break any boundaries. "What are you thinking?" I'm thinking that a part of me liked the way he felt so close to me. I'm thinking I need to ignore that part of me.

"I think we should just forget about it," I say, even though I know I won't be able to.

"Okay." Mr. Morgan agrees, moving his gaze to his computer screen while I continue grading. We stay like this up until I have to leave, awkward and silent. It's not ideal but hopefully, we'll move past it.

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