LXI- Opening Night

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Hello everyone! Be sure to check out @thehobo1738 she's a new writer so give her a follow

Without further to do, enjoy!


When I walk into the building with Shawn right beside me, I'm stunned. I had no idea how much decor changed a place. There are new chandeliers dangling from above us, along with all kinds of art work on the walls. Sculptures block people's paths so that they look at them before maneuvering around them. Servers in formal attire walk around with trays of food and trays of champagne. It's all much more extravagant than I ever imagined. There are speakers hanging on the walls so that music is everywhere you go.

I turn to Shawn, "This is really nice." I say in astonishment.

"Your parents are very good at their job." He reminds me.

We continue to walk further inside the building. There are so many people here that look as if they could afford anything they wanted. I have no doubt that Dianne will get the investors she wants tonight.

I look up and see my parents talking it up with a group of middle aged people. The way they talk is natural and not at all forced, even though they're probably promoting their business.

I watch them for a moment before noticing a waiter with a tray of champagne. I grab two drinks and hand one to Shawn, who hasn't left my side. He smirks at me as he takes the glass, "You're not twenty-one." He says.

"I don't think anyone is going to care." I say as I bring the glass to my lips and tilt my head back to drink. Champagne is disgusting but I force it down and pretend I like it.

Dianne makes eye contact with me and excuses herself from the people she was talking to. "Livia, Shawn, you two look amazing." She hugs the both of us and then smoothes out her navy blue dress. "How are you liking the opening?"

"It's beautiful, I can't believe it was put together so fast." I tell her, knowing Shawn won't say much on the matter. He seems to resent his mother a lot more than I realized. Even though she's been sweet to me, it's like he's waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Dianne nods, "Well it's all thanks to your parents. I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves but I have to get back to business. Excuse me." She reaches up and kisses Shawn's cheek before leaving to greet someone else.

"I feel like she's really come around since we first met."

Shawn tenses beside me, "Just because she has money now doesn't mean she's changed."

"Right." I say, "Sorry." I finish my champagne and place it on an empty tray.

Shawn relaxes, turning to me and moving my hair behind my ear. "Would you like to dance?" He asks, dismissing my apology.

I look around wearily, "What about our parents?"

Shawn waves me off, "They're not even paying attention. Plus we can move out of sight." He takes my hand and leads me to the corner of the room where my parents won't be able to see us. Then he puts one arm around my waist and pulls me in close. Electricity shoots through me immediately as we begin to move slowly. His right hand is holding mine up so that he's the lead. I let my body be moved by him as we turn and dance. I start laughing when he twirls me around a couple of times before bringing me back in. Our eyes meet and we become serious, I want to live in this moment forever. "Do you feel it?" He whispers so that I'm the only one that can hear him. I shake my head, not sure what he's talking about. Shawn lifts my chin, our lips are so close. I feel like we're both magnets, wanting so badly to be close but can never actually touch. "The heat, the energy?" He elaborates.

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