V- Red Flag

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"Do you want to come inside?" I ask Dean once we pull up to my house.

"I can't, my dad wants me home." Dean kisses me before saying goodbye.

I make it inside my house and drop my bag on the floor. Today has been so long and weird. First I get detention, then I confront Mr. Morgan, then he catches me in the closet, and then I tell him off once more before running out of there. I can honestly say that doesn't happen every day.

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. I cook for myself most nights since my parents are rarely home. Tonight I don't feel up to cooking so I make a sandwich and lay down on the couch.

My phone buzzes and it's a message from Hunter.

Maybe Hunter: Hey it's Hunter, I figured we could get a head start on our project if you're up to it?

Me: Sure, want to meet at my house?

Maybe Hunter: Send me the address.

Once I send the address he tells me he'll only be about ten minutes.

My phone starts ringing right after, I answer it with a smile. "Hey babe, what's up?" I say into the phone.

"My dad canceled, had to work late," Dean tells me. "So anyway, want to grab dinner?"

I stand up and place my plate in the sink, rinsing all the crumbs off. "Oh, I just ate. Plus Hunter is coming over so we can work on the project." I move my phone to the other ear, "My role is a nurse. It wouldn't have been my first choice but whatever."

"What do you mean Hunter is coming over?" Dean questions. His voice is off like he's angry.

I laugh nervously, "Dean I told you, he's just coming over so we can work on the project. There's no need to get jealous." Most boyfriends wouldn't get jealous over something like this so I don't know why he is.

"Liv, I don't want him over there with you alone. I'm coming over." I hear shuffling on the other end and imagine him putting his shoes on.

I shake my head even though he can't see me. "Don't come over, I'm a big girl I can handle a project." I take a deep breath, this day just keeps getting weirder.

"It's not the project I'm worried about." His words make me upset. Like he doesn't trust me even though I've never given him a reason not to.

"Dean you're being ridiculous. I have to go, Hunter should be here any minute." I don't let him reply before hanging up the phone.

I'm so over everyone getting mad at me for stupid things.

It doesn't take long before Hunter Simmons is sitting adjacent from me at the dining room table. "So," I say in an attempt to make conversation. "What's your role for the civil war?" I ask.

He runs his hands through his thick red hair, "I got an injured soldier." After I tell him I'm supposed to be a nurse he puts some pieces together. "I'm probably in your care then. Now we'll just have to look up actual people who we can write a report on." Hunter pulls out his laptop and begins typing and researching both of our characters. Once we learn about them and set them up it's easy to put a story line together. I throw in a lot of facts and details while he connects them all. It's actually a lot of fun.

Soon the sun sets and it's pitch black outside. I look at the time, it's 8:36. "I think this is it," He says once he puts the finishing corrections on our reports. "There." His typing comes to a stop and he looks up at me with a smile. "We work well together."

I nod with a small smile, "Most definitely, we can partner up anytime."

His smile falters, "You know, I'm honestly surprised Dean isn't here."


Hunter hesitates before elaborating, "Don't take this the wrong way or anything but, he seems like he has you on a tight leash." Is it that obvious? No one's ever said that to me before but once he does I realize just how true it is. I skipped out on a lot of events this summer to be with Dean as well as seeing my friends. Now I can't even be alone with a guy that has no intention of trying anything with me. Does he really not trust me?

Hunter must notice me in my thoughts because he packs up his laptop and stands. "I'm sorry, that was totally not my business." He says. "I'm going to head home, I'll send the report to you."

I stand with him and walk him to the door. "No, it's fine. I'll see you at school." Once I show him out I check my phone. There are a dozen missed calls and messages from Dean.

I call him back, "Hey." I say when he picks up.

"Liv, why the hell did you hang up on me?" My breath hitches, he's angry. "It took all I had not to drive down there and beat his face in."

I roll my eyes, "You're being dramatic." I argue.

"No, I'm being protective, there's a difference. I don't want my girlfriend out with every guy that looks at her." His words make me just as angry as before.

"Let me explain something to you, it was a project, not a date. If you don't trust me then maybe there's a bigger problem here."

Dean sighs on the other end. I picture him pinching the bridge of his nose, "I trust you but I don't trust them." He emphasizes the word them. Then he asks, "Did he kiss you?"

"Of course not!" My voice is shaky, I hate fighting with him. "Listen I have some stuff to do so we'll talk when you're done acting like this. Goodnight Dean." Before he can answer I hang up. I know this argument isn't over but if I continue tonight I might have a mental breakdown.

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