XIX- The Next Day

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To say that school was long today is an understatement. It seemed to drag on forever and I'm pretty sure I checked my phone a dozen times to see if Jenny texted me. They left pretty early this morning but not before informing us that they would be ditching school today. We were told that they would explain things to Dean and Luke later on. I'm not excited about having to wait before Dean knows but at least it won't be long before he knows.

I can't stop myself from wondering how everything went wrong. Dean and I's relationship, Jenny and Jake's predicament, not to mention Mr. Morgan. The only thing that hasn't changed is Bee and Luke. It does give me the tiniest bit of hope that it's only October and the year can still be salvaged.

"Good afternoon, Livia." Mr. Morgan greets from behind his desk.

I set myself up behind his desk, "Yeah, you too." I bring my hand up to cover my mouth as I yawn, "What am I doing today?" I ask.

Mr. Morgan smirks, "You seem chipper." He hands me a stack of papers, "Stapling for today." He says.

"I had a long night." Unfortunately I didn't get a great amount of sleep due to my brain not wanting to shut off. "When is that printer going to get fixed and staple these papers for me?"

My teacher chuckles, "Never." He answers, "Does it have anything to do with your friend that was waiting for you last night?"

I nod, beginning my task, "She had a crisis."

"I see. Well, no further questions." His amusement is clear but I ignore it, going back to stapling. The sooner I get done the sooner I can go home and sleep.

It's interesting being alone with him and there's no flirting or long gazes. Instead there's just small talk while he does whatever he does and I staple papers. "Done." I tell him as he looks up to see my progress.

He clicks his tongue, "Me too. Do you need a ride?" He turns off his laptop and stands up to put his things away.

I shake my head and put the chair I borrowed back, "No, dean should be here any-" Dean walking into the room interrupts me. "Second." I finished.

Grabbing my bag I walk over to Dean and he surprises me by kissing me. "Uh...I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Morgan." Turning to him I see that he has a scowl on his face. Great.

"Sorry teach, I forgot you don't like that." Dean said with a small smile, he knew exactly what he was doing.

"It's fine, Mr. Cooper there's not much I can do about it after school. I'll see you two tomorrow." With a wave Dean grabs my hand and leads me out of the classroom.

"You did that on purpose." I scold him, who chuckles.

"A little bit, yeah." He admits.

"Well don't. I don't like pissing off my teachers." I add despite the fact that I've pissed Mr. Morgan off more than a couple times.

"Why are you getting mad? It's not a big deal that I kissed you in front of him. You're my girlfriend." I sigh because I know he's right. This shouldn't get to me as much as it does.

"You're right, let's just go."

Shawn's P.O.V.

When I get home I set my stuff down and sit on the couch with a heavy sigh. So much has happened these past few months that weren't supposed to happen. When I transferred schools and moved here it was for a fresh start. Now history seems to want to repeat itself with Livia. Only it's different, she's different than Katherine.

The first time I saw her it was with Dean and something was so off about him. The way he held her and kept her close was unnerving. I knew that I didn't like him but I didn't really know why until that day I saw them in the hallway. He had his hand wrapped around her wrist so tight, and as soon as I said something he let go. I looked at Livia and noticed how scared she was. Something drew me to her, maybe it was her ability to stand up for herself and speak her mind. I wish Dean didn't take that away from her. I didn't think about her as anything other than a student even at that point. I just knew that I wanted to protect her from him. Even if that was impossible.

She is my student after all and I'm her teacher which makes helping her a bit complicated. So I made her my TA, I thought that if she thought of me as a friend instead of a teacher that she would admit it. Maybe even seek my help and advice to leave Dean. Even though that didn't happen, I did find myself liking her more and more through those days after school. She was so intriguing and persistent.

Then, we were at the club and she was right there, close enough for me to touch. She looked so happy just to be out and enjoying life. I had a few too many drinks and before my head could catch up with my body I had her pinned against the wall. I lowered her sleeve and saw what Dean had done to her. It hurt me that she lied to me but I understood. She's so attached to him and I knew I had to do something.

When I saw her bruised cheek in the supply closet I knew exactly what it was that I had to do. So I stopped listening to everything telling me not to and kissed her. I had to know what her lips felt like on mine. It was perfect, her taste, her tongue, and her hands in my hair. Despite how wrong the situation was I had never felt anything more right in my entire life. There's something between us, maybe tension that I couldn't ignore any longer.

I decided to show her how she's supposed to feel with someone...safe. I want her to understand that Dean won't stop, that he's too far gone. Since she won't listen to reason I have to show her. Then Livia got a sense of reality and even stopped being my TA for a while. So I'll go back to being her friend and hoping eventually she'll listen to reason.

I stop thinking about Livia and make my way upstairs to take a shower and go to bed. I have a hard time sleeping in this house because of everything that happened when I was a kid. During the day I'm able to block it out but my subconscious normally has a different idea. I'm convinced that one of these days I'll just forget about what happened and get a good night's sleep. As I lay down and close my eyes I remember that's not how trauma tends to work. So I start thinking about Livia again, hoping maybe tonight will be the night that my subconscious lets me get some sleep.

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