XVIII- Big News

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As Jenny tries to control her breathing I notice that Jake isn't with her. "Where's Jake? Weren't you on a date with him?" I ask.

Jenny nods as Bee rubs her back in an attempt at calming her down. "He wasn't there when I picked her up at the restaurant." Bee says.

"Okay Jenny, tell us what happened."

Jenny sets down her water and wipes her face, finally ready to talk. "Well I was feeling sick so I went to the doctor. Th-they took some tests and said they'd call me when they got the results. They're concern was that I was throwing up but I didn't have a temperature. When we were at dinner I got a call back from my doctor and-" Jenny starts bawling again. After a minute she gets herself to finish the story. "They said I'm pregnant." She makes eye contact with the both of us as we take in the news.

"Oh my God." Becca says. "Oh my God, Jen, your parents are going to kill you!"

"Not helping." I scold.

Becca rolls her eyes at me and hugs Jenny. "It's going to be okay, we'll help you get through this."

"I just don't know what I'm going to do." She cries. "When I found out and told Jake...he left." I can't imagine Jake just up and leaving like that.

Just as she says that there's a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I open the door to reveal a tall boy with ashy brown hair and puffy eyes. "Jake, come in." I'm not entirely sure how he knew where she was but it's a question for later.

Jake walks past me and into the living room where Jenny is still sobbing. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left like that. I was just so shocked that I needed to think." He wipes away her tears as he assures her that they'll figure it all out.

Jenny stands up and wraps her arms around his neck as she cries on his shoulder. "I don't know if I can do this Jake."

"We will figure it out." He whispers, holding onto her. I grab Bee's attention and gesture for her to follow me into the kitchen.

"I figured they'd need a minute alone." I explain to her as I start to make a pot of coffee. I have a feeling it's going to be a long night. "How did Jake know she was here?" I ask Bee.

She holds out her phone to show me, "I texted him after I got here." When the coffee is finished Becca grabs a mug and pours coffee in it for herself. "I just can't believe she's pregnant."

I grab the sugar from the cabinet and hand it to her, "Do you think she'll keep it?"

Becca stirs in the sugar and looks up at me, "Honestly...Jenny has more heart than anyone. I don't think she would if she wanted to." I grab my own mug and make my own coffee, I can still hear her crying. "Although she might not have a choice."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean her parents are crazy strict. It wouldn't surprise me if they tried to make her." Even the thought sends a shiver down my spine. Jenny doesn't deserve that, plus she's eighteen. In the end she can make her own decisions.

"They wouldn't really do that would they?" I ask knowing she doesn't have any real answer.

Becca sets down her mug and crosses her arms over her chest, "God I hope not."

Just as she finished, Jake walks in with a tired look on his face, "We never actually got to the dinner part of dinner so I'm going to pick up a pizza. Will you stay with her?" He asks Becca who nods and rushes into the living room.

I set my mug down and zip up my jacket, "I'm coming with you." Something tells me he needs a friend right now.

Once we get into the car Jake rubs the back of his neck with a heavy sigh, "What have I gotten myself into?" He asks more to himself.

"I'm sorry, Jake."

He starts the car, "No, don't be. I love Jenny and this doesn't change that. It's just going to take some getting used to." A smile creeps up on my face at his words. How did Jenny find someone so perfect for her?

"You're going to make a great dad." I admit.

"You think so?"

"I know so."

Jake grins at me, "Thanks you know, for coming with me."

I shrug, "Jenny isn't the only one going through this." Besides, I know she'll be okay with Becca.

Feeling successful in making him feel better, we go and pick up the pizza. I'm a little surprised that they could think about food right now but then I realized it's just a distraction. One that I am totally okay with being a part of. When we get back to the house I walk in with the food and set it on the table, "You guys can stay over tonight, then you can take Jen home in the morning before school." I offer Jake.

He nods with a thankful look on his face. "Thank God, I'm starving." Jenny says as she walks in the kitchen. I laugh at her ability to put food first. She grabs her pizza and looks up at Jake, "How are we going to tell our parents?"

I sit down next to her as Jake takes in her question, "Shit, I didn't even think of our parents." Something tells me that's all Jenny can think about.

Becca comes in and takes a slice, "You guys can think about that tomorrow. For now let's just relax." We all nod in agreement, there's been enough decision making for today.

"Jenny and Jake you can have the guest bedroom and Bee you can sleep with me." I inform them of the plans as I help myself to the food in front of me.

After we're done eating I direct my friends upstairs and we say our goodnights. It's not really that late but I get the feeling Jenny and Jake are exhausted after today.

When Bee and I make it in my room I begin changing out of my school clothes. "Can you believe today is their anniversary?" Becca says as I toss her some clothes to sleep in.

I take my shirt off, "I know, they were the first of our group to get together." With Jake came Luke and with Luke came Dean.

Once I'm dressed I sit on my bed and wait for Becca to join me. We sit in silence before I ask, "When did our lives become a drama?"

She laughs, "Who knows." Bee turns on her side so she can look at me, "Who was that dropping you off?"

"Mr. Morgan...he offered me a ride when Dean couldn't come get me." I tell her honestly.

Becca nods, yawning and lying on her back and closing her eyes. I can tell she's tired so I do the same in an attempt to fall asleep.

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