LXVIII- The Last Week

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It's the last week of school and I still haven't brought up the wedding to Shawn. I don't know what I'm waiting for but I'm running out of time. These past three weeks with Shawn have been amazing, I guess I don't want to ruin that.

I re-adjust my bag on my shoulder and knock on his door. "Come in." He says, looking up at me with loving eyes. "There's not much TA work to do since it's the last week, so you can just study for your exams." I close the door and lean against it as I watch him shuffle around. He's wearing a white button down shirt and black suit pants, I want to grab his tie and pull him to me.

No, I need to focus. "Listen, there's something I was hoping we could talk about." Shawn perks up, giving me his undivided attention. I dig through my pocket and pull out the letter that Eve sent me. Then, I close the space between Shawn and I and hand it to him to read.

My nerves are through the roof as he reads over each line. When he's finished he frowns. "Is this real?"

I nod, "I got it about a month ago, I just didn't know how to tell you."

"It doesn't matter, there's no way in hell you're going. Dean will be there." I've read the letter five different times, hoping that something would change but it hasn't.

I knew he wouldn't agree to this, normally I wouldn't. However, I don't have to go by myself. "There are two plane tickets, one for me and one for you..." I trail off, unsure of his expression.

"You can't be serious, I'm your teacher." He hands the letter back to me. "I was Dean's teacher."

"Yes and it would be good to finally be honest. I would only go with you there, Shawn." He knows I cheated, he doesn't know that I cheated on him with Mr. Morgan. Every time I lied to him, I lied to everyone. I know that what Dean did to me was worse but, it doesn't mean I don't still feel guilty about it.

Shawn stares at me, expecting for me to change my mind and admit it's the dumbest idea he's ever heard. When I don't he licks his lips and runs his fingers through his hair. "He tried to kill you, Livia. Why can't you just get it through your head that his intentions are never good?"

What he said stings but it's the truth. Dean tried to kill me, he might've if Shawn hadn't showed up when he did. "Trust me what he's done is not lost to me."

"Then why didn't you just throw this letter away the second you got it?"

I have no response, I don't love Dean, I don't forgive him, I haven't gotten over what happened, so why do I care? I would like to be honest with him for once, that much is true. I can see where he doesn't think that's a good enough reason. "Maybe I just want to know that he's better. That he finally got the help he needs and won't ever do this to anyone again." I couldn't stop what happened to me but the one thing I wanted from all of this was to know he got help. "His mother promised me she would do that for me."

Even then it's not a good enough excuse, something changes his mind. "Okay, just know that I won't leave you alone with him for a second. One wrong move and he's getting arrested." I'm surprised that he is agreeing to this but it makes me feel safer.

I nod. "Agreed."

Shawn smiles, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in. "I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"I know, and thanks to you I won't." Including the morning workouts with the punching bag, I might actually be able to defend myself anyway. I just hope it never comes to that.

He leans in and kisses my lips softly, "In other news, did you know you can pick any teacher you want to hand you your diploma?"

"Yes, I did."

"Who did you pick?"

"Mrs. Ryle."

Shawn gets a look of fake shock. "I can't believe you would pick her over me. I give you extra credit."

I laugh, leaning in to press my lips against his. When we pull away, look up at him. The both of us have come so far in just one year, it's almost hard to believe. "Of course I picked you."

"I've been cramming for these exams all week." I complain, checking my watch for the time. The library is about to close.

Hunter groans. "I know, I've been Cramming with you."

For the past week we've been coming to the library to study for all of our classes. The last day of school is tomorrow and that's when we take our finals, it's to ensure students actually show up on the last day of school.

In fact, this time tomorrow we'll officially be out of high school forever. "At least we both have extra credit."

Hunter drops his pen and sighs, "Yeah, that covers a total of one class."

I transition to my math textbook, one of my worst subjects. "Then I need to focus on math."

"It's late, Livia. We can't stay here much longer."

I give in, deciding that I've also had enough. "Fine. Do you want to stay the night at my place? My mom made meatloaf." Granted it's cold and needs to be reheated but dinner is dinner.

Hunter gathers his things and stands, "Yeah, if we can sans the meat? Eh, I'll just eat whatever sides she made. It beats whatever my dad made at my house." I laugh, throwing my bag over my shoulder and walking out with Hunter beside me. I'd forgotten he was vegetarian. 

Everyone has been scrambling to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow. Jenny and Jake have been packing up to move into their own place, while simultaneously getting ready for their baby. Becca and Luke have been making travel plans, booking tickets, and getting only the essentials ready for departure. They leave the day after tomorrow and they won't be back until closer to Jenny's due date. As for Seth, he plans on moving back to New York whenever dorms open up like me. Hunter is the only one who's not busy with after graduation plans. I'm not even sure he plans on going to college right away.

When we make it to my house it's almost nine O'clock. My mom and dad are in the living room watching TV. Their business trips since New York have only been to Denver. It's nice that they're trying to make sure they'll be here for my graduation. "Hey guys, Hunter is staying over." I say as I walk in to see them.

My dad looks up, "Hey Hunter, how's it going?"

"Ask me that tomorrow." He replies before looking at my mom. "I hear you make a good meatloaf."

She perks up, "I do, are you hungry?"

"Starving, for everything except the meatloaf." Hunter adds that last part to make sure she knows not to give him meat. She gets up to make the both of us plates despite me insisting I can do it myself.

It doesn't take long for us to finish eating and get ready for bed. Even though I'm tired, my nerves are through the roof. I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling, "Hunter?" He's on the air mattress beside me.


I continue to stare at the ceiling, "Are you scared...for the real world?" I feel like I've already had a taste of the real world this year. So far I don't care much for it.

"Honestly, no...I just feel ready."

I suppose that makes one of us.

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