LXXII- Wedding Bells

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"Livia! Are you okay?" Eve asks as she walks in through the front door.

I stand up and meet her. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry we left without saying anything. We didn't want to interrupt the rehearsal."

Eve looks me up and down, seemingly to examine me. "Don't apologize, what happened?"

"It was just a misunderstanding. Dean followed me to the bathroom to talk and Shawn reacted on instinct. They argued and I thought it would be best if we left before things got a little out of hand." Shawn walks in the room with a questionable look on his face.

I move to his side. "I'm sorry, this is my fault. I thought he was different by now."

"Don't be sorry, it's going to take more than a few months to change a person." Shawn assures her.

She sighs, "Are you guys still up for the wedding tomorrow? I know you have to leave afterwards but I understand if you-"

I cut her off, "We're going and I promise, no drama."

After that I dismiss myself to bed. Shawn follows me to the room. Once the door is closed he comes up to me. "You really want to sleep?"

He turns me around so that he can help unzip my dress. "No, but I'm going to. I at least have to try." If I'm up front and center with Eve tomorrow, then I should look the part and get as much rest as possible. I let the dress fall to the floor before picking it up so I can hang it in the closet. It doesn't feel right, keeping such an expensive dress.

My heels are the next to go, I place them neatly outside of the closet. I'll be wearing those again tomorrow. Shawn walks over to his suitcase and pulls out a plain black shirt. "Here, wear this to bed."

I reach out and grab it, I take my bra off before doing as he says. "You're never getting this back, I hope you know that." I jokingly say.

"It's all yours."

I walk up to him and help him undo his tie. Not because he can't but because I enjoy our close proximity. Once he's changed we crawl into bed together. I place my head on his chest. "This time tomorrow we'll be in two different states again."

His fingers run through my hair, "We don't have to think about tomorrow."

"I can't help it."

Shawn sighs, "Yeah," He says. "Me either."

I knock on the wooden door, "Come in!" Eve says.

Walking in, I see Eve looking at herself in the mirror. She sees me in her reflection and smiles. "Eve that dress is beautiful." It's slim fitting and completely covered in white lace.

"It's a whole lot prettier than my last wedding dress. Logan and I got married in a courthouse because we couldn't afford a real wedding." I can picture that, the two of them being young and taking a big risk. If only they knew what would happen.

That was almost Dean and I. "Well you look amazing."

"Thank you." She turns around and walks up to me. "At the risk of sounding crazy, you're kind of like the daughter I never had. If my son wasn't so stupid, you would've been."

I laugh, "I know what you mean." I think she feels connected to me because we've been through similar situations.

"It just wasn't meant to be." I know the feeling. "Anyway, I hope we stay in contact. At least long enough for you to tell me all about NYU."

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