XXXIX- Mommy Dearest

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Let me know what you guys thought in the comments I'm always curious to know what my readers think! I hope you enjoy it!


I knock, looking around to see if anyone is watching. "Hey," Shawn greets with his perfect smile.

He opens his door for me to walk in. "I wasn't sure you wanted to see me after Katherine showed up." I admit, taking my coat off and hanging it up.

"I worked it out for the most part." I know it has something to do with whatever they talked about last night. He wouldn't tell me but it still gets me on edge.

I take the time to look at what Shawn is wearing, he doesn't have a shirt on which I'll never not like, and he's wearing sweat pants that hang low. Not to mention, "You're sweating." I notice.

Shawn laughs lightly, "I am, can I show you something?"

I nod as he holds out his hand for me to take. Without hesitating I take it and let him guide me into the kitchen and to what I can only assume is the basement door. I pull my hand back, "You're not going to murder me are you?"

He doesn't respond, he simply shakes his head and opens the door leading to some very questionable stairs. "Don't you trust me?" Shawn asks as he holds out his hand for me again.

I do, so I take it and let him guide me downstairs. The stairs creak under our weight as we go down and he flips a light at the bottom of the stairs. Light floods the basement as I look around to see workout equipment and a punching bag hanging from the ceiling. "It's an in-home gym." I say.

Working out has never really been my forte. I never understood the appeal to exercising, you sweat and push your body to its limits. I guess it does have a bright side like Shawn's very lean figure. "Do you want me to workout?" I ask, looking down at my body.

Shawn walks up to me, grabbing my shoulders and meeting my eyes, "I was actually thinking I could show how to hit that punching bag over there."

I look over to it, if I could hit hard I would've hit Dean back by now. "I've never been good at offensive."

Shawn nods, "Which is why I want to show you. It may not help with Dean but at least in the future you can protect yourself." I know I plan on leaving Dean in a couple of weeks but what if he comes back? What if I move to New York and someone tries to hurt me there? I look back up at Shawn, he has my best interest in mind.

"I'll need a change of clothes." I say.

"I think that can be arranged."

A change of clothes and some stretching later Shawn has me working on my stance. "Feet shoulder length a part." He guides.

"I feel ridiculous." I admit with a sigh.

Shawn walks behind me, pressing himself against me slowly. I can feel his breath on my skin as his hands grab my waist to position me just the right way. "Now," He says, lifting my arms, "You should try to punch with your dominant hand first. Make sure your right foot is back slightly." His fingers trail down my arm all the way down to my thigh. My heart is beating so fast that he has to be able to hear it as he rests his hand on my right thigh. He pushes it back, the pressure sends a shiver down my spine.

I don't understand how he can make everything feel so sensual. "Relax," He says. "Good, now curl your hand into a fist." I know how to punch, or at least I've seen it plenty in the movies. Still his methods of demonstrating is way better than any movie. I do as he says and soon I punch into the bag. Softly at first but as I repeat the motions it gets harder each time. Shawn reaches out and holds the bag in place while I follow along with everything he instructs me to do. I know this is going to take some time but I appreciate his efforts at showing me.

After a while Shawn shows me a few more stances and I feel a burning sensation in my arm so we switch to my left hand. I'm sweating but it's not as bad as I always make it out to be. This might be something I can get used to.

"Let's take a break, I'll get you some water." I nod and take a seat at the bench while he runs upstairs.

I look through the clothes I changed out of to find my phone. In my front pocket is my engagement ring. I pull it out and examine it. Dean proposed to me only a month ago but so much has happened since then. So much that I can't really explain because it all happened so fast. Looking at it now I can't believe I ever said yes, I knew I didn't want to marry him. It didn't feel right but I didn't listen to myself, I only prolonged the inevitable. I put my ring back in my pocket, there's no point in thinking about it now.

Shawn should've been back by now so I forget about my phones and go up the basement stairs. I hear voices and worry that Katherine came back but when I make it to the front door I see Shawn and an older woman. "Shawn?" I call.

The woman turns to me, looking me up and down before turning back to Shawn. "You have a girl over here? Really Kevin?"

She called him Kevin. "Dianne, this is Livia. Livia, this is Dianne, my Mom." My breath hitches when I realize I'm standing in front of Shawn's mother in his clothes and sweating.

I hold my hand out to her, "It's um...It's nice to meet you Mrs. Morgan."

Dianne doesn't shake my hand, in fact she looks disgusted at the thought of it. I realize she looks nothing like Shawn. Her hair is a dark blonde and her heavy makeup covers her brown eyes.

Dianne turns to Shawn, "What about Katherine?" She asks, surprising me. I didn't think she knew anything about Katherine.

Shawn shakes his head, I notice how tense he is around her. Maybe whatever he won't tell me has to do with her? "We were never together, you know that."

Dianne scoffs, "You should tell her that." It wouldn't surprise me if Katherine got a hold of Dianne to find Shawn. Maybe they were all close at one point.

"I've tried." He admits.

Dianne looks over at me, "What happened to you?" Those are the first words she's spoken to me since I came up here.

"I fell."

Dianne stares at me even harder, "I've had a few boyfriends in my day. You don't have to lie to me."

"Dianne." Shawn warns. I can imagine how sensitive the subject might be for him but Dianne doesn't seem the least bit phased.

Instead she changes the subject, "How old are you?"

I look at Shawn, how do I tell her that her son is seeing a girl eight years younger than him.

Thankfully, he answers for me, "She's 18."

"Oh God, another student? Really Kevin?" How much does she know about Katherine? More importantly how much does she know about her son?

I look over to Shawn, "I should probably go."

Shawn grabs my arm to stop me from getting my stuff, "No, she should go." He says, looking at her with a hardness to his eyes that I haven't seen since we first met.

"You can't be serious, Kevin. You don't even know why I'm here."

"I don't care, please just go." Dianne looks at her son with a shocked expression before turning around and leaving.

Whatever happened to their relationship, it must've been big. "Are you okay?" I ask as I turn to Shaw and place my hand on his chest.

He looks down at me, "I'm fine I just...she's not a good person." Something tells me the people he used to surround himself with aren't good. Matt was the only consistent thing in his life and he's gone.

I just hope I can be enough.

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