LXII- Heartbreak for the Teenage Soul

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"Are you sure about this? I thought you wanted to take things slow?" Shawn asks as he kisses my neck.

I lean back to give him better access and moan softly, "Fuck going slow, I want you." I run my fingers through his thick hair and pull lightly. He groans which turns me on even more. The heat between us is so intense that I can't handle it anymore, I need him.

He begins leaving kisses all over my body, some will leave hickeys but I could care less. Shawn presses his lips down my stomach before running his fingers over the top fabric of my panties. If he doesn't stop teasing I might actually burst.

He kisses my thighs and begins to lower the lace barrier between him and my sex. I lift myself to make him pulling them down easier. Each touch burns me in a good way and I can't wait for everything else he can make me feel.

After a few more teasing kisses he finally puts his mouth on me. I arch my back in pleasure as he gets work. The amount of moaning I'm doing is embarrassing but fuck it, he feels too good.

When I'm about to come, he places his hand down on my stomach in order to keep me still. Shawn goes even faster and it's not long before I'm shaking in complete, euphoric bliss.

I close my eyes to get over my orgasm and feel him come up to hover above me. His legs are on either side of me. "Did you miss me?" My eyes open to see Dean above me instead of Shawn. My stomach drops and I immediately squirm to get out from under him. He holds me down with a sick smirk, "What's the matter? I thought you loved me?"

"No Dean! Stop!" I don't stop trying to move but it's pointless, he's in complete control of me.
"Why should I?" His hands creep up to my throat and he tightens. I gasp for air in an attempt to breathe. "You could've stopped me. You could've put me in jail but you chose to let me go. Now I won't let you go." I claw at his hands just like the last time but it's no use. I try to scream but I can't, I'm completely stuck and terrified. "Liv! Livia! Livia!"

I jolt awake and gasp for air in an attempt to breathe. Strong arms-that I've learned to become accustomed-to wrap around me. "It was just a nightmare."

What? It was just a dream? God, it felt so real.

"Is she okay?" My mom asks at the same time Shawn pulls away from me.

I look around the plane and see my parents, Dianne, and Shawn staring at me. Their worried looks make me feel embarrassed. "I didn't mean to fall asleep." I say, shifting uncomfortably.

My dad sighs. "Don't be sorry, we all fell asleep too."

"Then we heard you screaming, Shawn got to you first." My mom adds.

I look at him, he looks more worried than anyone else. Maybe because he knows how it feels. I want to grab his hand to tell him I'm okay but I can't. "I'm okay guys, really." I promise them but the truth is, I'm still really shaken up.

Dianne takes a step back in the aisle, "Well come on, let's give her some space."

My parents look at each other, "Are you sure you don't want us to stay with you?"

"No, really guys it was just a dream. I'm fine." I assure them even though I'm lying.

Shawn stands up and sits beside me, "I'll stay with you, just in case you fall back asleep." He offers, mostly to my parents.

They nod and reluctantly go back to their seats up front. Once out of earshot, I grab Shawn's hand. "Hey, thank you." He offers me a small smile and squeezes my hand. He held me in front of my parents just because he knew I would need it when I woke up.

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