L- Crush and Burn

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Yay!!! We're at 50 it's so crazy. Don't worry the book still has more chapters to come, I promise we are not done. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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"What do you think of Seth?" Bee asks in third hour.

I shrug, "He seems nice." A little more than nice, "He's a little flirtatious but that could just be his personality."

Jenny's jaw drops the slightest bit, "Wait so he flirts with you?"

"I don't know...it doesn't matter."

Becca grabs my hand, "It does matter. For one, he's super hot and for two, finding someone else could be good for you."

Jenny nods in agreement, "Plus don't you want to go to college in New York? He could tell you all about it!"

"I don't think I'm ready to date again, it's only been a month." I'm down for Seth as a friend but I'm still in love with Shawn.

Then again I have no idea if he actually wants to be with me after we graduate. The only thing I know is where we stand at the moment. "Okay fine, but think about it?"

I nod, even though I'm not sure there's anything to think about.

After class I find Seth and walk with him to the cafeteria. We wait in line together so I point to our table, "You have more friends than I thought." He says now that Luke and Jake are there.

"Jake on the left is with Jenny and Luke on the other side is dating Becca."

Seth watches them before turning to me, "What about you?"

"What about me?" I ask as we move forward.

"I don't see your boyfriend...although I have no idea how you've stayed single." It's simple, no one wants a girl with baggage.

I don't tell him that, instead I say, "I'm complicated."

I see Mr. Morgan walk through the hallway outside with folders in his hands. He notices me but quickly looks away. Complicated is definitely the word I'm looking for. "Somehow I doubt that but I digress." He holds his arms up in surrender, "You're a mystery Livia Gardner and I intend to figure you out."


We get through the line and make our way to the table. Seth introduces himself to the other two guys. "New York? Wow that's a long way away." Jake says.

"Yeah but my mom was offered better pay and benefits, she couldn't pass it up." Seth explains and sits beside me.

They click pretty instantly with each other and I realize that my group probably just got a bit bigger. "So Livia, are we going to your house this weekend?" My ears perk up at the sound of my name.

I had completely forgotten about our girls night. "Uh, yeah."

"Are you throwing a party?" Seth questions.

I shake my head, "No, it'll just be the three of us."

"They like to get together every month. We normally go to Luke's house when they do." Jake says.

"Who? You and Hunter?"

Hunter looks up, "No, I have a boyfriend and I enjoy spending time with him." Joseph, Hunter's boyfriend, goes to school in the next town over. He spends his weekends with him, mostly.

"We used to have another friend in our group," Luke looks over at me as if he's treading lightly. "But he moved."

"Yeah but you should come over." Jake adds.

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