XXXVIII- Oh Katherine, My Katherine

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Shawn's P.O.V.

The very fact that Katherine would show up here is unnerving. "Did I hit a nerve with the whole- boyfriend stealing- line?" She quips as she comes up to me.

"You don't know what you're talking about." I say, trying to figure out what I ever saw in her. She's nothing like Livia, she doesn't care about anyone other than herself.

Katherine pouts before changing the subject, "You haven't been answering my calls."

I cross my arms over my chest and lean back on my desk, "I don't want anything from you Katherine." I thought I made that clear when I resigned from her school and moved last year.

"Things are different now, I'm different now." If she's implying that she's sober then I hope she is for her sake. That doesn't mean I want any part of it. "I want you to know that what happened between us wasn't my fault."

At this I scoff, she has no idea how fucked up what she did was. "I've moved past it Katherine, you should too." The truth is I could never forgive her for what she did. She let her addictions get the better of her and in the end it only hurt me.

Katherine comes up to me, grabbing my hand, "I just want us to start over. You were always so good to me. That's why I came down, I want you to see that I've changed. Leave Livia, she doesn't need you like I do." It's not just about whether Livia needs me or not. At this point it's me who needs her.

I pull my hand away from her grasp, "I don't want you, Katherine."

"But you want Livia?" Katherine asks angrily, she was never good at rejection. "You have to know that what you're doing is wrong, just like it was wrong with me."

I shake my head, "This has nothing to do with you."

"Yes it does. It does because I was also your student. You screwing another one of your students is a pattern, Kevin. You're taking advantage of her just like you did me."

I never took advantage of you!"

Katherine shakes her head at me, "I wonder if she was vulnerable too? Did you pretend to be the nice guy? Giving her rides home?" Katherine brings her lips close to my ear as she whispers, "Telling her how good you can make her feel?" She pulls back with a smirk. "You did the same things with me."

It was different though, she came onto me when I was at a low point. Livia is different, there's so much more to her that meets the eye. "No." I lie, I've done all of those things only I mean it all with Livia. Katherine was a distraction to me just like I was to her. We got away from our lives momentarily but at some point reality sets in.

"I came here because I wanted you back, but maybe I should really be saving Livia from you. Maybe I should go to the front office and tell your boss exactly what kind of teacher you are." Katherine begins to leave so I reach out and grab her wrist, turning her towards me.

"Don't," I say.

"Go on a date with me and I won't."

"What?" There can't be just one date, she's too good at playing games.

Katherine repeats herself, "One date and then if you still don't want me then I'll leave."

I don't believe her but it will at least buy me some time before she outs me and Livia. I nod, "Fine, one date." I agree.

Katherine smiles, "I'll call you." She says as she turns to leave, this time I let her.

Once Katherine is gone Livia walks back in. She looks confused, "What did she want?" She asks.

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