XL- Apart

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Hope you enjoy the chapter...it'll be the last one for tonight. Comment and vote, love you guys!


The closer we get to taking off the more I dread this trip. Dean insists his Mom is going to love me but I've had enough run ins with Mothers for a lifetime. After Dianne left the other day Shawn went back to normal. He pretended that nothing happened so I went along with it. One of these days he'll tell me but for now I'm just going to take it one day at a time.

All too soon the weekend with Shawn ended and now I'm back with Dean. Only this time I can't escape because he'll have me trapped with him for the whole visit. "Your eye looks much better." Dean tells me, I'm sure he's just trying to make me feel better but it's not working.

"I'll put some more concealer on when we land." I say as I look out the window. The pilot announces we're ready for take off so I brace myself as the plane begins to move.

"Are you afraid of flying?" Dean asks me.

I shake my head, "I just don't like the beginning, once we're in the air I'll be fine." Dean puts his hand over mine on the arm rest. I want to move mine away because there's no more taking comfort in him anymore. Instead I look into his blue eyes only to find no fear, what is he afraid of?

"What are you thinking about?" He asks at the same time we make it in the air. That the flight is only two hours long.

"I'm just nervous about meeting your mom." I say in order to make conversation. I know that this is one of the last things I'll do for him. Once we get back and Christmas is over I won't have to pretend anymore because my friends, his friends will know about him.

"Don't be, I've wanted you to meet her since the day I met you." That day in the library...that day changed my life.

"Why?" I ask.

Dean shrugs, "My Mom is important to me, as soon as I met you I knew you were also important to me." I never got the chance though, his Mom left shortly after that. I know Dean didn't go with her partially because of me. He already had a life in Brookview, Colorado.

"Can I get you two anything?" A pretty flight attendant asks as she walks up to us. I shake my head at her at the same time Dean asks for a drink.

I look down at my phone to check the time, only one hour and forty nine minutes to go.

"Oh my God, you look so grown up!" Dean's Mom gushes as she pulls him in for a hug. "How are you?" She seems so excited to see him that she doesn't let go for a while.

When she does she holds him at arms length to look at him some more. "I'm good, Mom."

His Mom lets go and walks over to me, I'm caught off guard when she pulls me in for a hug. "You must be Livia." She says as she pulls back. "What happened to your eye?"

"I tripped and fell last week, I was really hoping it went away by now." I force out a laugh to make it believable. She doesn't respond, she just continues to stare at my eye so I try to direct the topic elsewhere, "Anyway It's really nice to meet you, Ms. Cooper."

Mrs. Cooper waves me off, "Please, call me Eve."

Eve turns back to Dean to talk with him while we make our way to the car. Every now and then she turns to me to ask about me but mostly she talks to Dean. They have a lot to catch up on so I try to stay as invisible as possible. When we get to the car someone gets out of the front seat and opens the door for us. It's then that I take in Eve's appearance. She seems very well off, I wonder how she made a life out here in just a few years?

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