LV- What a Coincidence?

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Jenny opens another present and holds it out for everyone to see. It's a onesie with the words: World's Best Mom, printed on the front. Becca and I finally had a chance to put together an amazing baby shower for Jenny. She's barely six months pregnant but we couldn't wait. I'm also pretty sure Jenny couldn't wait either, these last few weeks that we've been planning it has been all she could talk about.

Since spring is here the room is filled with colors and flowers to match. We even got her little sister Gina here to be with Jenny. It's no secret that Jenny's mom doesn't entirely approve of Jenny but, I think things are getting better.

Everyone laughs and gushes over the rest of the presents. When we cut the cake someone takes a picture of Becca and I on either side of Jenny. We're smiling and happy and I try to live in the moment. I won't lie that it's hard considering everything that's been happening.

I still haven't gotten a defendant answer from Shawn yet but today isn't about him or me. Today is about Jenny starting her own family and I should enjoy it with her. "This party kicks ass." Becca says as she comes up to me. Everyone's watching Jenny cut the cake that's pink on the inside.

I lean against the wall, still watching how happy Jenny is. "I never thought we'd be throwing her a baby shower in high school."

Bee laughs, "Me neither but, she seems to be perfectly okay." It's true. At first it was tough but in these past five months she's grown so much as a person. I feel Becca's eyes on me, "Are you perfectly okay?"

I stop leaning on the wall and look at my best friend. "Honestly...not really, no." She reaches out and pulls my head down to lay on her shoulder. To anyone else we're just hugging but to me it's her way of telling me that she's here for me if I need her.

"Guys we're about to start the games!" Jenny announces with excitement.

Becca and I pull away and go up to Jenny to help her.

In the middle of playing baby bingo my phone starts to ring. I pull away from the crowd and answer the phone, "Hey mom." I greet.

"Hey sweetie, how's the baby shower?"

"It's good, we're playing games right now."

"Okay well we're home and we have something we'd like to talk to you about whenever you get here." My mom doesn't sound concerned but it definitely causes me to worry just a little bit.

"Oh, okay." She dismisses herself and hangs up the phone quickly.

It's not long after the call that the baby shower comes to an end. I stay after and help Becca and Jenny clean up, but everyone seemed to clean up pretty well after themselves. "My parents are home so I'm going to go. Call me if you need anything."

Jenny nods and gives me a hug, "Thank you for throwing my baby shower, I had fun."

We pull away, "Good," I kiss her cheek and grab my purse, "Love you." I say as I rush out.

When I get home both of my parents are sitting at the kitchen table. "Hey guys."

"Livia, sit down." I feel extremely anxious but do as I'm told.

My dad looks at my mom to begin, "We have a potential client on her way. We've only spoken to her on the phone but she just came into a bit of money. She decided to invest in a building in New York and she wants us to help design it."

This doesn't sound like anything I haven't heard before. This is sort of how their business works so how am I involved? Thankfully my dad elaborates, "If this goes through then we'll be in New York for a few weeks and we figured you might need a break ever since..." He trails off, "Anyway, we think it would be good for you to come with us."

"Yeah, didn't you say you wanted to go to school in New York? I think we're close to NYU, you could check it out!"

"What about school?"

"We can talk to your teachers about giving you your homework in advance. Plus this could count as an educational trip since you might go to college there." My mom reaches over and takes my hand, "It's up to you, Livia."

I've always wanted to see New York, and it'll be nice to not have to think about Shawn for a few weeks. I guess this is kind of a no-brain er. "I'd love to."

My mom sighs in relief, I think a part of her thought I would say no.

Just then the doorbell rings and my dad stands up to get it. He talks to the women for a second before leading her into the kitchen. "Livia this is Dianne Morgan."

My jaw almost drops at the sight of Shawn's mother right in front of me.

We've met, she walked into Shawn's house and hated me. More importantly she knows I'm his student.

To my surprise Dianne smiles and holds her hand out for me to shake, "It's very nice to meet you, Livia." I don't understand why she's pretending we haven't met before but I shake her hand.

"You too." I reply slowly.

"Well here, have a seat and we can get started. Can I get you anything to drink?"

Dianne looks back at my mom, "No, thank you."

I can't stop staring at her as she talks to my parents about how she wants them to design the place to open in a month. "I saw the pictures of the work you guys do and it's honestly amazing. I have no doubt that you two would be perfect for the job." She looks at me, "Livia, your parents and I talked about you joining us for the trip and I think it's a great idea. In fact, I wouldn't mind giving you your own hotel room and everything. I used to go to New York a lot when I was younger and I loved it."

I don't understand why she's being so nice to me but I nod along. The last time I checked she wasn't my number one fan. "Oh you don't have to do that, we have no problems sharing a room." My mom cuts in.

Dianne waves her off, "If this is a break then she shouldn't be cramped. Oh and I will be bringing someone of my own. Just to make sure that I have all the right paperwork." Most likely a lawyer.

"Of course." My dad says.

"You're in high school right?" She asks me.

She already knows the answer. "Yeah, I'm a senior."

"You might know my son then. He's a history teacher, Shawn Morgan?" She didn't call him Kevin which surprises me.

My mom perks up, "Oh yes! We've met him, actually we made him an ambassador with Livia at the New Years ball."

"I should've put the name together." My dad says lightly. "Anyway, we'll draw up designs and get to work. I'll go over some extra details with you on the plane."

Dianne stands from the table and shakes everyone's hand. "It was really nice meeting all of you. I'll keep in touch and see you at 7am Monday morning."

Today's Saturday, we're leaving in less than two days?

I stay at the kitchen table while my parents walk Dianne out. Within two minutes my parents are back in the kitchen with smiles. "Wow, I can't believe that's Mr. Morgan's mother. What a coincidence?" My mom says before turning her attention to me. "Pack whatever you want but we'll definitely be going shopping while we're down there so how much you bring is up to you. I'm so glad you're coming with us!"

Honestly, I can't believe it either. "Monday is really soon."

"Yeah but that's how we work. You know we like to get things done as soon as possible. I'll call your school tomorrow and get everything situated. Luckily spring break falls while we're down there so you won't be missing much." Spring break is in a week.

I stand up and adjust my shirt, "Alright, I'm going to go pack." I hug them before rushing up to my room. I have a lot to do in a short amount of time but at least I'll finally have a chance to clear my head.

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