II- Teenagers

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My second period was math concepts with Mr. Brown. Considering I had him for algebra my freshman year, I know I'm going to need Dean's help. Right now I'm sitting in third period English Lit while Mrs. Ryle fights with her husband over the phone. Turns out not everyone is having a great first day.

Bee and Jenny are in this class with me so we talk among ourselves. "So what did you think of the newbie Mr. Morgan?" Bee asks with a hint of mischief in her eye. She's probably expecting me to talk about how hot he is and what I would do to him if I were just a few years older.

The truth is I'm eighteen and though it wouldn't be morally correct, it would be legal. However, I'm with Dean and an attractive teacher isn't going to change that. "I think he's kind of strict," I tell them truthfully.

The thought of him catching Dean and I in the hall right after calling us out about our PDA is still stuck in my head. I feel like I should go apologize perhaps before we head to lunch.

"I think he's hot," Jenny admits to us. I knew that's what Becca wanted to hear from me, but, I don't think she expected Jenny to say it. "What?" She asks. "Jake and I have established a 'thing.'" We ask what that thing is and Jenny explains in a very serious tone, "We can look at the menu we just can't order. Meaning we can find other people attractive but that doesn't mean we're going to go after that person."

Bee laughs at our friend, "You would have that thing." She continues to laugh and we change the subject until our teacher decides to finish up her phone call and begin class.

Within the hour, the class is over and it's lunchtime. "Hey, will you tell Dean I'll be a minute late, I have to run to my locker." I'm not entirely sure why I'm lying, maybe because I don't think Dean likes Mr. Morgan all that much.  

I make it to his classroom within a couple of minutes and knock on his already open door. The kids from his last class have already piled out and Mr. Morgan is all by himself looking up at me, "Come in." He says. "Livia Gardner right?" He asks.

I nod and walk up to his desk where he remains sitting, "Yeah um, I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I probably didn't make the best impression." I apologize but his face remains still and expressionless.

"I was in high school once, Ms. Gardner I understand. I also understand that it's easy to get lost in a relationship. You should be careful." I find it strange that someone I just met is telling me to be careful when it comes to relationships but I decide not to comment on it. Maybe he was hurt once and doesn't want to see it happen again.

"Dean's not normally like that, he's a really good student." I defend.

"In my experience, good students don't just depend on grades. I do appreciate you coming in and apologizing though." Mr. Morgan doesn't look up from his computer screen as he talks. I wonder if he ever makes meaningful eye contact or even smiles.

I turn to walk out and go to lunch with my friends and Dean but just before I walk out he stops me, "Oh and Ms. Gardner," I turn to look at him, he's still not looking back. "The next time I catch you two skipping class or making out it's detention."

I force myself to bite my tongue as I walk out and to the cafeteria.

When I make it there isn't much time to grab food, so I take an apple at the end of the line and sit at our table right beside Dean. He kisses my cheek before going back to his bologna sandwich.  

Jenny and Jake are giggling and feeding each other in the cringiest way imaginable. Meanwhile, Luke is making conversation with Dean. "So I have an idea," Becca says to the table. Jake pops a grape in Jenny's mouth before giving her their undivided attention. "Seeing as how we haven't seen you all summer, I think we should have a girl's night. Just the three of us." She adds looking pointedly at Dean.

"I think that's a great idea," I tell her, I miss my friends, and having a night together sounds amazing.

"Great! This Friday then, no boys."

"He said that? Are you kidding me?"

After school, we headed back to my house where I decided to tell Dean about what Mr. Morgan had said. Lying to him was stupid so I told him that I wanted to apologize for how we acted. It's safe to say that Dean is not happy.

"Who the hell does he think he is?"

"Dean, calm down. He's just doing his job." I know it's stupid but maybe he's just trying to establish himself.

Dean paces back and forth in my bedroom with his arms crossed. "Why the fuck are you defending him?" He snaps in an uneasy tone.

I stand up, "It was the first day, and he probably had a stick up his ass. I'm not defending him, I'm trying to understand him."

Dean stops and his arms drop to his sides. He closes the distance between us and grabs my hands. "You're right, I'm sorry. I guess I've just got some stuff going on at home and I'm taking it out on a teacher."

He leans in and kisses me. When he pulls away I ask, "Talk to me, what's going on?"

Dean moves away to sit down on the bed, I sit beside him. "It's just my dad, he gets aggressive sometimes and I'm so sick of it. I feel like I can't even leave my bedroom when he's home or we'll end up fighting. I don't know what's going on with him." The infamous Mr. Cooper, known for being a Grade-A jackass.  He's never home ever since he got his promotion at the dealership, about a year ago. I wonder if the stress from his job has anything to do with it.

Placing my hand on Dean's back, I begin to rub circles to show him that I'm here. "Maybe you should talk to him. Even if things don't get worked out at least you'll be with your mom after this year." Dean nods in agreement and we sit in silence for a moment.

Dean's mom left for California right after Dean and I met. I never got around to meeting her but Dean says a lot of good things. Apparently, the divorce was entirely his dad's fault. I don't know what Mr. Cooper did but it must've been bad if Dean doesn't even know. His mom wanted to take Dean with her but he stayed because he was happy here in Colorado. He was happy with me.

Dean still looks bummed so I grab his face and pull him to me. He's quick to take charge of the kiss, laying me on my back so that he is in control. I run my hand through Dean's hair as we continue to make out. After a few minutes, he runs his hand down between my breasts, and down my stomach so that his hand reaches my pants. He undoes my button slowly before leaving me to undo his own. All the while he continues to kiss me.

I place my hand on his, stopping his movements. Our kiss breaks, "Dean wait, you know I'm not ready for that." I know he wants to have sex, I'm just not on the same page with him.

"Yeah, yeah, after graduation." He repeats what I've told him time and time again.

"I'm sorry, I just feel like it's not the right time." He sits up with a heavy sigh.

"I know. Do you think we'll really have to wait that long though?" Dean asks.

Last year when he wanted to take things to the next level, I told him I didn't want to have sex in high school. I told him I wanted to be one hundred percent sure. So I gave him a date, graduation. He accepted it until now I suppose.

"If I am ready before then, yes," I say, even though a part of me isn't sure if I will be. It's not that I don't love him, I guess I'm just scared. There are so many couples in high school who let sex dictate everything and I don't want to be one of those girls. I like what we have.

After that whole thing, we decide to order some food and watch TV until his dad gets home. My parents are always on a business trip so I'm normally here by myself anyway.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning," Dean says as he gives me a peck on the lips and drives away.

When I get back in the house I get ready for bed and lay down. My phone buzzes with a goodnight text from Dean.

I text him back and close my eyes to fall asleep. There are no sounds in the house. I focus on the silence and after a few minutes, I'm fast asleep.

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