VI- The First Time

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I wake up to my phone ringing and put it up to my ear. "Jesus Livia it's about time you answer," Bee says, seemingly rushed.

"It's like 6:30 in the morning, why are you calling me?" I shuffle out of my bed and head to my bathroom. My hair is thick and tangled up into knots, I put Bee on speaker while trying to brush it out.

"Dean wanted me to check in on you. He said you weren't answering him." I'm surprised he didn't just show up.

"We sort of got into a fight last night," I explain.

"You two never fight."

I laughed shortly, "No, we fight. It's just normally not bad enough for me to ignore him." I set the brush down and bend over, flipping my hair over my head to get a good grip on it. Then, I stand with my hair in my hands and tie it up into a ponytail.

She doesn't respond right away, I hear the beeping of her car unlocking. "What was it about?"

I bring the phone with me back to the bedroom so I can look through my closet, "I had to work on a project with Hunter Simmons and he got jealous." I say even though it was more than just jealousy.

Her car turns on and the sound of the radio echoes in the speaker. Bee turns it down so she can talk, "Well I'm headed to pick Luke up. Do you want me to pick you up?" She knows Dean normally takes me to school and that I'm mad at him right now.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll be ready." I accept her offer before hanging up and continuing to get dressed.

I know Bee is going to grill me for more information the second I get into the car but it's better than fighting with Dean some more.

At seven Bee pulls into the driveway and honks. On my way out I laugh as I witness Luke getting booted to the back seat. I guess best friend trumps boyfriend. "Hey, Livia," Luke says when I get in.

"Hey, Luke." I greet him back.

Bee pulls out of the driveway and turns down the volume of the radio. "We're headed to Jerry's since we still have an hour before school." She tells me.

I nod, "Thanks for picking me up, I need to get my license."

I have my permit and I could take the test whenever but Dean's always so adamant about taking me everywhere.

Becca waves me off, "It's not a big deal, we all have our problems." As she says that she glances up in the mirror to Luke.

He smirks, "Yeah right, you have problems." He responds, amused.

Shaking her head, she lets it go and turns the music back up as we head to the coffee shop.

Once we get our coffee and sit down at Jerry's, Bee is ready to hear everything. As I'm talking I notice Luke putting his hand on her knee underneath the table. I raise my eyebrows suggestively at her. Bee responds with a look that says, "Mind your business and continue your story." So I do what I'm sort of told.

Luke doesn't say much on the subject but agrees with me. "If I tried to tell Bee who she wasn't allowed to be around she'd punch me."

Bee laughs and punches his arm lightly, "See." He jokes.

Once we get to the school I'm relieved to see that Dean isn't waiting for me at my locker. I wonder if he's even here at all.

I thank Bee again before they head to class and I focus on opening my locker before the bell rings. "We need to talk." I jump at Dean's voice, not noticing he came up to me.

I put my book in my bag and shut the locker door before turning to him, "Not now, I don't want to be late." Just as I say that the bell rings and I mentally groan in frustration.

"We should talk now." He demands.

I sigh, "Please, I just don't want to get in trouble."

"Where were you this morning? I went to pick you up but you weren't there." I look up at him and notice he has dark circles under his eyes. He probably didn't get much sleep last night.

Adjusting the book bag on my shoulder I tell him, "Becca picked me up. Now if you'll excuse me I-" I turn to leave but his arm is around my wrist, squeezing.

"We are not done." His tone is completely different, it's so cold that it sends chills down my spine. I've never seen this side of Dean before, so...out of control.

I try to pull away but he doesn't relent. Instead, he tightens his grip causing me to wince. "Ow Dean, you're hurting me."

Dean loosens his grip but still doesn't let go, "Liv I'm-"

"What's going on out here?" I turn my head to see Mr. Morgan in the doorway with his classroom door closed. A part of me is thankful no one heard anything.

Dean lets me go completely, I rub my wrist to cool down the burning feeling. Without looking at either of them I mumble, "Nothing." Before walking past Mr. Morgan to get inside the classroom.

I can hear Dean following behind me, just as he's about to sit next to me Mr. Morgan tells him to sit up front for today. Then he looks at me for just a second. I make eye contact with him. His green eyes bore into mine before he looks away and begins the class.

Dean sulks the whole class while I try my hardest to forget what happened and pay attention. When it's over I try to leave quickly but Mr. Morgan stops me, "Ms. Gardner please stay after class."

Dean stops and looks down at me, "I'll wait outside." I look away from him, shaking my head. I don't see him but I hear him huff before walking out.

Once the class has piled out Mr. Morgan shuts his door before turning to me. I make my way to his desk as he closes the space between us. "Let me see your arm." He demands. I hesitate before lifting my arm. He grabs it gently and rolls the sleeve up to examine my wrist. Mr. Morgan touches it lightly, making me wince. It shouldn't hurt that much but it does. Mr. Morgan lets go of me, "That's going to leave a bruise. I should call the principle." He decides.

"No!" I lower my arm and roll the sleeve back down, "It was an accident, and Dean would never hurt me." I add.

"But he did." Mr. Morgan argues, pointing at my wrist.

I take a step back, "Look just don't call the principle okay? He didn't mean it." Dean has never done anything like that before. It's not something he will ever do again, I'll make sure of it.

Mr. Morgan sighs heavily, "If I find out he hurt you again, I won't be so lenient." He promises. I nod, "As for you, you have detention again." He turns to his desk and writes a slip before handing it to me.

"What? Why?"

Mr. Morgan shrugs, "You were late again."

"So was Dean."

"He's getting detention tomorrow." I take the slip and hastily make my way out of the room. Thankfully, Dean isn't waiting for me so I'm able to make it to my next class on time.

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