XXXVI- Said "Fun Week" Part I

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Believe me when I tell you this was a hard chapter to write. Comment and Vote, I'll be posting part II within a week.


When lunch rolls around I meet up with Dean in the hallway so we can discuss what's going on. "What did you want to talk about?" I ask.

Dean paces back and forth as he begins, "Okay well last night my mom called and asked what I was doing for Christmas. I told him I was most likely spending Christmas with you and she was asking all about you. I told her about us. She knows that we're engaged and she wants us to go visit her before Christmas." He suddenly stops pacing as he walks up to me, "I haven't seen her in years Liv, please you have to come with me." He wants me to go to California with him to see his mom?

I feel like the rock I've been trapped under just got a little heavier. Dean looks so nervous as he waits for my answer. So I reply, "I don't know if my parents would even let me go." It's a lie, they'd let me do pretty much anything especially with Dean.

Dean half smiles, "I can convince them, please Liv?"

I can't say no, I know that. "Yeah, okay." I agree and watch the excitement spread across his face. He then does something he hasn't done in a very long time...he hugs me. I feel weird, like this is so foreign for him to do.

When he pulls away his excitement is still all the way there, "Okay, I love you." He says before hugging me again. I don't know what else to do but hug him back.


"Alright guys, since midterms are this Friday we're going to spend the next two days reviewing the semester. As for today I figured we could spend it picking out your colleges and sending in applications. If you've already done this or don't plan on going to college then congratulations you get a free day. Everyone else come get a laptop from the cart." Mr. Morgan informs the class and the majority of us stand up to grab a laptop.

When I get back to my desk and power up the laptop Dean comes up to me. "I've already applied to Stanford so I guess we get a free period." He gloats, sitting in the chair beside me.

I continue to log into my computer and pull up schools in New York. It's always been my dream to go to NYU, even if it's not Dean's.

Still, he seems confused as he watches me, "Why are you looking up colleges there, we're going to California? You probably won't get into Stanford but there are decent schools near by or online."

Before I can respond Mr. Morgan walks up to us, he leans in behind me as he looks at my screen. "NYU is a good school, what do you want to study?" He asks.

I'm surprised that he's genuinely interested in where I want to go. "Journalism." I say.

He nods, "Well an out of state school is very expensive but if you get enough grants and scholarships you should be fine."

Dean decides to cut in, "She's not going to NYU."

I don't respond or try to elaborate on what Dean said. Still, Mr. Morgan decides to pry, "Why not?" He doesn't direct that to me he directs it to Dean.

"She's coming with me to California. I'm going to Stanford." Dean doesn't stop there, "In fact we're going down next week to check out the schools."

To anyone else Mr. Morgan looks as calm as ever. To me he's shocked, I haven't exactly told him yet. "I don't know, I might want to at least apply at NYU so see if I could get in?" The look that Dean gives me is unnerving, like I just said the most unreasonable thing ever.

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