XLVIII- The Next Semester

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Some of you might not agree with this chapter but I think it shows Livia's strength. I hope you see it and enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment!


January 3rd

"Are you sure you're okay?" Becca asks beside me. Hunter drove me in awkward silence but now that we're all here it feels surreal.

I nod, "Yeah, let's just get this over with." The six of us start to head in.

I feel everyone's eyes on me and pretend not to notice them. Even the teachers watch me as I pass them. Becca and Jenny stay close behind while Hunter stays beside me. I try not to make eye contact with anyone, so instead I look to the ground. We get to my locker quickly and when I open it a few pieces of paper fall out and onto the ground. Hunter leans down to pick them up. He looks up at me, seemingly unsure of how I'm going to react. "They're notes."

Hunter holds out his hand for me to take and I do, reading the first one.

It reads: I can't believe it, you two were such a cute couple!

I hand it back to Hunter and open up the other two. They're along the same lines of how unbelievable it is. Of how we were such a good couple. Somewhere apologies for what happened but they don't sink in. In fact, they make me feel worse. If we were such a good couple then why did he feel the need to hurt me?

Hunter reads them when he takes them back before shoving them in his bag. "People are idiots." He tells me as he rolls his eyes.

"Agreed." I say.

"Livia!" A girl I've barely spoken to calls, coming up to me and my friends. I stare at her blankly. "Are you okay?" Brittany-I think- asks loudly, the students in the hallway stops to stare at us. I don't blame them, they can't believe someone is actually talking to me directly.

With all the prying eyes I just quickly say, "I'm fine."

"Who knew Dean was a bad guy, he always seemed so well put together." Andrew Baker mentions as he walks up next to Brittany. He's on the soccer team but I've never really talked to him either.

Brittany looks around at my friends keeping an eye on the conversation. The fact that Andrew asked such a personal question makes her believe she can do the same. Brittany flips her red hair back. "Yeah what happened really?" She adds.

"Back off." Becca warns, stepping in front of me to get into Brittany's face. Brittany instinctively takes a step back, being intimidated by Becca.

Andrew scoffs, "It's just a question." The very fact that he thinks it's just a question tells me he has no respect for me or my business.

Despite being scrutinized by these two I know Bee is ready to fight if she has to. "Becca it's fine, come on." I say, pulling on her arm to keep her from doing something she will regret.

Brittany takes another step back at the same time Andrew says, "She probably deserved it for being a bitch."

The words barely leave his mouth before Luke grabs Andrew by his collar and pushes him against the lockers, "What the fuck did you just say?" I don't think anyone expected Luke to step in when he did but Jake or Becca doesn't stop him. Even Hunter and Jenny stay back.

"I didn't mean it." Andrew says with his arms up in surrender.

Luke lifts up and pushes him back on the lockers, the metal rattles under him, "If you think for a second that Livia deserved what happened to her then you're just as bad as Dean!" Luke's breathing is heavy as his face reddens with anger.

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