LXIX- Welcome to the Real World

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I stare at myself in the mirror while simultaneously trying to control my breathing. Just wearing the cap and gown makes everything so surreal. Twelve years and I'm finally here, we all are. Well, almost everyone.

I shake my head to rid my thoughts of him. I'll face him soon enough. "The colors suit you well." I turn to see my dad in the doorway. He points behind him, "Hunter left for school already."

"I just wanted to see it on before tonight." I explain, unzipping the gown and taking it off. I neatly put it back in the garment bag.

My dad walks up to me, touching the tassel of my cap. "I remember when I graduated. Your mom was valedictorian." He chuckles lightly. "You look a lot like she did." My parents didn't get together until college but they went to the same high school. According to my dad, they were from two different groups in high school.

I reach up and take the cap off, setting it down on my bed. "What made you want to stay in Brookview?" Once their business kicked off they could've moved anywhere. I never understood the appeal of staying in this town.

He lifts his shoulders up in a shrug, "Olivia got pregnant and we couldn't think of a safer place to raise you." His eyes get a look of regret in them, as if he made the wrong decision. It ended up not being so safe after all, "Dad what happened wasn't your fault. It could've happened anywhere."

"I know, I know. I'm not sorry we stayed I'm just...proud you're leaving. Don't take that the wrong way. I would love to have you here forever but, you're not letting anyone hold you back. It's brave." In all eighteen years of my life my dad has only said he was proud of me three times. The first time when I got my first A+, the second when I decided I didn't need a babysitter anymore, and now.

Now definitely takes the cake. I wrap my arms around him in a hug, it's something we don't do often but I had missed. "I love you, dad."

"I love you too, Livia."

"Knock, knock." We pull away and look at my mom. "If you don't leave now, you'll be late." A soft smile plays on her lips, I'm not sure how much she heard.

Nodding, I adjust my clothes and grab my stuff. "I'll see you guys tonight."

"Front and center." Dad jokes, waving me off.

This is it, I think to myself.

The whole day is spent taking my finals. Once my last class is over I sigh in relief. I've never been so excited for the day to be over with. Luckily, the teachers graded our tests as soon as we finished. I aced all of my finals, even math.

After school all of the seniors make their way to the auditorium for a quick practice round before actually graduating at 6pm. "Hey you." Shawn greets as I walk in. "How was your last day?"

I smile and walk up to his desk. "Stressful but I made it. I can't believe it's all over." I never really imagined this day, I feel more nostalgic than anything. I guess that's what happens when you spend four years of your life in the same building.

"Yeah neither can I. I really liked teaching here." It's now that I notice the boxes filled with his stuff, on the floor beside his desk. He still has another week to finish putting grades in the computer, but tomorrow he's leaving for good.

A part of me is begging for me to ask him where he's going but I can't. We both decided it was best for me to not know. "I'm sure you'll do great at your new school, Professor Morgan."

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