LXXV- The New Beginning

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Last chapter of BCDI lovelies!!! Enjoy!!!! This version was a long time in the making but I'm excited to move on to editing BCDII!!!


August 13th

"Please, put her on the phone." I beg Jenny.

Jenny sighs, "She's sleeping right now." Jenny seems tired but she finally gives in to my demands. "Fine, here she is..."

I only hear a little bit of soft breathing but it's so cute. "Hi Noelle, it's aunt Livia." I whisper. "I'm in New York right now but your mommy is going to send me a ton of pictures of you." I'm a tad bit obsessed with the baby but she is the most adorable baby I've ever seen in my life.

Jenny takes the phone back, "You sound like Bee."

I walk over to the mirror and brush out my hair, having Jenny on speaker. "Where is she anyway?"

"She's in Florida now, I think."

I set my brush down and grab my bag. "I'm glad they're enjoying themselves. I have to go but please keep me updated on that beautiful baby of yours."

"Have a good first day, love you."

"Love you, too." I say before hanging up.

I smooth out my halter top and walk out the door with Katie. Last year I couldn't wear this top but this year is different. This year I'm different. We walk to the main campus and grab some coffee from the cafeteria. "I'll see you in criminal justice?" She asks, just as we're about to part our own ways. Criminal justice is the one class we have together.

I nod, promising to save her a seat. My first class is History 110. I find it amusing that I'm starting off with a history class again this year but here's to a bit of normalcy. I take my time walking to class.

The past two weeks, I've spent setting up my dorm and attempting to learn the area. I haven't taken a second to revel in the fact that I'm here, in New York. I finally made it to my dream school and I'm going to make it. I'm going to make something of myself. If I had stayed with Dean I might be in California right now. I might be unhappy and lost instead of free and alive.

Thinking back I used to be so naive, like a lovesick puppy who knew everything there was to know about love. I thought I found love during my freshman year of high school. Dean Cooper, the perfect mix of nerd and handsome. He was the whole package, sweet, smart, athletic, I fell head over heels for him. I was in the library struggling to study for my algebra test. When he leaned in to help me that was it, the beginning of everything. The moment he walked into that library, the second I said yes to going out with him. We were so madly in lust that I mistook it for love. He was the typical high school sweetheart and I would've done anything for him. In the three years that we were together, it was amazing, up until the last year. Last year we were seniors, and though I didn't know it, everything was going to change. Most importantly, Dean was going to change. Apart of me wants to turn back time and say no to Dean in that library. Then I remember that everything I went through shaped who I am now. I wouldn't have learned what real love was like. After all, I did meet the love of my life in high school. It just wasn't Dean.

I'm finally learning to move on and get past that chapter in my life. I'm exactly where I need to be for myself and no one else.

"Livia?" I snap out of my thoughts and turn to Seth, staring at me. "You've just been standing there, are you okay?"

I pull my arm through his and begin walking with him. "Actually, I couldn't be better."

He looks down at me, "Really now?"

"Yeah." I admit.

We part our ways once I get closer to my class. History, here we go again...

I walk in the room to see a full house. There's only a few seats left in the back so I move to sit down and wait. The professor seems to be running a little bit late, it amuses me considering everyone used to tell me how strict college is.

"Sorry I'm late, this campus is not easy to navigate." I look up at his voice, he's young for a professor. "Most of you are freshmen which means we'll learn the school together." He grabs a dry erase marker and writes his name on the board before turning back around. It's now that I take a good look at him. He has a 5 o'clock shadow with deep green eyes and chocolate brown hair. "My name is Mr. Morgan." Then he meets my eyes. I suck in a deep breath, he's here, in New York.

"Mr. Morgan is too formal." I say, causing the whole class to turn their attention towards me.

He smirks, standing up straight but not breaking eye contact. "Well formalities are my specialty."

"Bullshit, what's your first name?" Everyone looks shocked at my outburst but the only person I see is him.

"Bullshit?" He questions bemusedly. "My name is Shawn." I sit back in my chair, allowing him to proceed with class. He clears his throat and looks around. "Anyone else have any questions?" No one answers.

Just like that we're back. He never told me he was going to the same school as me because I wouldn't let him. I didn't want to be tempted to find him but we ended up in the same place anyway.

Not to mention, he's still my history teacher.


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