XLV- New Year, Old Dean

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Guys when I tell you I went out of my element with this one, I am not kidding! This chapter took so long to write because I had to keep changing things, adding, and switching things around. I promised you a doozy and here it is. Please let me know what you think and as always, enjoy!

P.S. Sorry about the weird indents but I write this on word on my laptop and then copy and paste it to Wattpad so that's why it does it.

As we enter the venue I take in the beautiful sight. Every year my parents outdo themselves when it comes to this ball. There are chandeliers hanging from the ceiling with a dozen round tables to the sides of the room, leaving a dance floor in the middle. There's a stage with a huge screen looking out onto the audience for the picture show my parents play every year. It's mainly just a list of all the charity's we donate to, as a selling point. At the moment the screen just shows a countdown to New Years.

    I look around and notice that Shawn isn't here yet. "I'm glad you told me to go with the silver tie. That dress looks so good on you." Dean says as he comes up to me and kisses my cheek.

    "You don't look so bad yourself." I complement as he pulls away.

    I turn to see Becca and Jenny staring at us, I need them to act normal. I know it's just because they care about me but if Dean finds out someone else knows, there's no telling how he'll react.

    "There's a lot more people here than last year." My mom says as she walks up with my dad in tow. I take note of her long coral colored dress, the bright color complements her olive skin tone.

    I nod, looking around at all of the familiar faces. Hunter Simmons makes eye contact for only a moment before quickly looking away. "I see a lot of people from school too." My parents started this fundraiser when I was in middle school and every year the turn around gets better.

    "Well, have fun. When Morgan gets here go ahead and show him to the back so you two can get ready." She then turns to Dean, "Thank you for being understanding when I asked him to do it."

    Dean smiles tightly, I told him on Christmas right in front of my parents. He had no choice but to be understanding, "Of course, Olivia."

    He excuses us and we begin to walk to the table where all of our friends are sitting. Jenny is laughing at something Jake said and Bee is fixing Luke's tie. "Hey guys, having fun yet?" I say as we take a seat.

    "I'll have even more fun when the waiter stops by with the champagne." Becca jokes as she eyes the waiter at the table across from us.

    "Bee our parents are here." Jenny reminds her just as she looks over at the table where her parents are. I follow her gaze to her sister Gina in a little pink dress.

    I look back at her sad expression, "Why don't you go say hi?" I ask, knowing how much she misses them.

    "Yeah, I'll be back." Jake holds her hand until she's too far away and we all watch as she walks over to her family. I can't hear what she's saying but her attention appears to be solely on Gina. Gina holds out her arms for Jenny to pick her up. Gina is only four but Jenny always talked about how close they were. I can't imagine how she must've felt over the holidays when she couldn't see her.

    She tries to talk to her parents but her mother takes one look at her stomach and looks away from her. Gina starts to cry so her dad pulls her from Jenny's embrace to calm her down. He doesn't talk to Jenny so she looks back at Jake with tears in her eyes. Jake leaves the table to go to Jenny as she walks away from her parents table.

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