XVI- ControlHer

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Authors note: Hello Lovelies! Let me know what you think so far? If you've read this story before tell me your thoughts on the revision. Let me know if you have any questions!


My parents aren't home so I just drive to my house. Dean acts nervous with me behind the wheel but despite what he thinks I do know how to drive. Last summer my parents had a full two weeks off of work. They let me drive their car around everywhere after taking me to get my permit.

"That was good." Dean says to me as I pull in.

I open the door and hand him his keys, "Yeah, I actually had a lot of fun." I almost forgot how calming driving can be. You get to pick your own music and control the pace you're going. It's way different as the passenger. Dean let me drive his car the other day too, I almost couldn't believe it when he handed me his keys. I still haven't taken Bee's advice to talk to Dean about college but I will. "I'll order a pizza." I say as we walk inside the house.

Dean grabs my hand and pulls me to him, kissing me deeply. "I'd rather have something else." He says suggestively.

I laugh lightly, stepping back and walking up the stairs to my computer. Dean follows behind me, and as soon as we get in the room he continues the kiss as he backs me onto my bed. I can feel the heat, the pressure in his movements and kiss him back. My arms wrap around his neck as he groans. Dean lowers himself, kissing my neck with sneaky fingers gliding under my shirt. I remember the feeling of Mr. Morgan's fingers on my skin, tingling with every movement.

I know I should be more into his lips on my neck. I'm certainly used to them but it's different now. Despite that, I let his fingers continue to glide up my stomach to the bottom of my bra. I close my eyes and pretend to feel the electricity.

I know what he wants but I can't bring myself to give it to him, I'm just not ready.

"Dean maybe we should slow down." This is nothing we haven't done before, but this time it's different. I can feel the difference in his touch. When Dean doesn't stop I try to move his hand from my chest. "Dean." I say but he just comes back up and kisses me in an attempt to keep going.

Dean rubs against me, I can feel how hard he is. "I know you want to have sex but I'm not ready." I tell him.

He only pulls away slightly, "You're never going to be ready unless we just do it." Then he goes back to kissing me with one of his hands in my hair.  Dean rubs against me again in an attempt to feel something. "I can't stop Livia, you're so hot." He breathes heavily in my ear as he sits up enough to be able to take my shirt off. I want to stop him, I want to take things slow.

So I start to push up on his chest, "Wait."

He hovers over me now, looking at me like I just ruined everything. "What? I can't fucking kiss you now?" He seethes.

I shake my head, "I know where it's going to lead and you already know I'm not ready." I remind him again.

Dean shakes his head back at me. His hands grab my wrists as he pulls my arms up over my head. "I can control myself." He says before sliding down to kiss my stomach. I try to make myself relax under his lips.

"See, I can make you feel good." Dean promises as he holds both of my wrists in one hand so his other one can unbutton my jeans.

"What are you doing?" I ask, looking down at him.

"You're going to let me undress you." He says before letting go of my wrists.

I sit up on my elbows, "Dean, I was serious. I don't want to do anything." The only thing Dean is trying to control is me, not himself at all.

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