XLII- Homecoming

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Livia's P.O.V.

    "I wish we could've had more time together." Eve cries as she hugs Dean and I. We're at the airport with our bags in our hands.

    Dean looks like he's about to cry but holds himself together, "We'll see you after this semester. It'll go by fast." I know he's trying to make her feel better and it's sweet. However I can't keep thinking that I'll never see them again.

    "You're right," She smiles. "Of course I'll see you for the wedding, how could I forget?" Their wedding is in the beginning of June. Brent asked Dean to be his best man despite them only knowing each other for a couple of days. As for me, Eve wants me to be a bridesmaid. I accepted but I know I'll be leaving Dean soon. Eve looks through her bag and pulls out two packages, "Before I forget, here are your Christmas presents."

    Dean takes his while I hesitate, "Oh, you didn't have to-"

    She cuts me off, "I insist, Livia." Her eyes hold persistence and something else that I can't place. I slowly grab the gift and thank her, "Of course, it's the holidays. Just promise me you two won't open them until you're safely home." It's an odd request but I accept and place it in my luggage. "Good, keep in touch, I love you." Eve kisses Dean on the cheek before hugging me for a second time.

    Our flight gets called on the intercom so we quickly make our way to the gate. Dean doesn't talk while we wait to get on the plane, I place my hand on his shoulder to grab his attention, "Are you okay?" I ask.

    He smiles softly, I know he's trying hard to hide his emotions, "Yeah, I'm good." He lies but I don't press the issue. My parents might be gone a lot but I have no idea what it's like to only get to see them once every three years.

    "You're moving out here soon, just keep that in mind."

    Dean reaches over and grabs my hand. This time it's gentle and soft, I haven't seen Dean like this since before our engagement. Despite me missing how this used to feel, it's not enough. Maybe it was never enough. "Come on, it's time to board."

    I follow him on the plane and take the window seat. The flight attendant announces that our phones need to be on airplane mode so I pull my phone out. There's a voicemail from Shawn so I put in my earphones and turn away from Dean.

    "Hey Livia, listen...there's something I have to tell you but it's big. I don't think you're going to want to continue doing whatever we're doing but- oh who am I kidding? I think we need to stop before we go too far. I want you away from Dean but it's not right for me to take advantage of you like this. I know I'm not making any sense and I'll explain everything to you when you get back. Goodbye Livia."

    "Hey," Dean says, "Your phone, it's supposed to be-"

    "On airplane mode I know." I switch it off and look out the window. What did Shawn mean he wants to stop? I know he went to see his Mom but could she have really influenced him that much? What really happened to him while I was in California? All of these questions fill my brain but I can't afford to over think about the voicemail right now.

    I have no choice but to wait until I can get away and see him in person.

    "I'm so glad you're back, your father has been driving me crazy." My mom says and wraps her arms around me as soon as I walk through the door.

    My dad walks in and hugs me next, "Don't listen to her." He tells me with a smile.

    I pull back and look patiently at the both of them. The truth is I'm anything but patient right now, my mind is completely taken over by Shawn and his voicemail. However, I know that I can't see him right now, It'll have to wait until tomorrow. "Glad to see you two are enjoying being off." I laugh, they might work together but it's rare that they're actually alone for long periods of time.

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