XXVII- Start Over

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"Good Morning class." Mr. Morgan greets us. He's dressed in dark blue suit pants with a white collar shirt and a brown belt. He always dressed up more than the other teachers. "Today we're going to start a new unit on the history of presidents. I want you to pick a president and do your research. I want to know about their background, greatest accomplishments, greatest fears. If they're dead I want to know how they died, and if there are any conspiracies surrounding the death. Get creative with this assignment." As he continues to talk about the assignment I look over at Dean. He's watching Mr. Morgan intently, writing down everything he says. Dean has always been good at school. It reminds me how we met because I was letting math kick my ass. He swooped in and helped me. Dean looks over at me and smiles. "Ms. Gardner, do you have any questions?" I turn to Mr. Morgan. "How about you Mr. Cooper?" Dean shakes his head, looking down at his notes.

"No." I say. Is this how it's going to be between us now?

He doesn't break eye contact, "Then I suggest you pay attention."

I lean back in my chair and silently pray that I disappear. Of course I know that's impossible so I stay quiet and try to pay attention to the rest of class. Once it's over I stay behind everyone else. The last student piles out and I shut the door before turning to my teacher, "What the hell was that?" I question.

Mr. Morgan looks at me plainly, "What was what?"

"Calling me out in the middle of class. Is that how we're doing things now?"

He doesn't hesitate to stand up and walk over to me beside the door, "I called you out because you weren't paying attention."

"I think it's because you were jealous."

Just then Mr. Morgan leans in so close to my lips, I think he's going to kiss me but he just stays there. His eyes are piercing into mine, "I don't need to be jealous of a high schooler."

I ended whatever was going on between us." I remind him.

"Is it really what you want?" He asks.

I hesitate but nod slowly, "It's really what I want." I need to take time with Dean, we need to rebuild our relationship.

"Then we're done." He says, pulling away. Just as I turn to leave his words stop me, "I was an asshole the other day. I'm sorry."

His apology catches me off guard but I accept it and turn around to face him. "Maybe we should just start over."

He nods, "I think that's a good idea...I'll see you after school."

When I leave the classroom Dean is waiting for me. "What was that about?"

We begin to walk down the hall, "It was nothing. I do have some news though." Dean looks at me intrigued, "My parents are going to be home for thanksgiving and they invited you over." My parents have always loved Dean, they always thought of him as the nicest guy. If only they knew what he's in therapy for.

I rid myself of those thoughts. "My dad will be gone for a business trip that week so this actually works out perfectly." He leans down and kisses my cheek before we part ways to our next class.

In third period Jenny talks about Dean and I, "You guys seem good again."

I look up at my two best friends, they know Dean and I have been fighting a lot. Becca saw the aftermath first hand at the masquerade dance. "We're getting there." I reply vaguely. As much as I want to talk to them about Dean going to therapy I keep my mouth shut. For them to understand why he needs therapy they would also need to understand why I kept coming to school with bruises. I don't think I'm ready for that conversation any time soon.

Jenny flips her hair and smiles, "Just don't get pregnant." She jokes.

I laugh at my friend, "I think I'd have to actually have sex in order to get pregnant."

This intrigues Bee to join the conversation, "Are you still waiting for graduation?" She asks, referring to the deal I made with Dean to wait until after we graduate.

"I don't know. I wanted to but I think I just need to do it when it feels right. Am I making any sense?" About a month ago when Dean almost forced himself on me the timing wasn't right.

They nod, "Perfect sense." Bee replies.

"Girls get back to work." Mrs. Ryle snaps at us. She's been on edge all year, I don't think things are so great between her and her husband.

We lower our voices and write on our study guides. I lean in, "What about you Jenny?" I ask.

She shrugs her dainty shoulders, "My parents still hate me so I've been staying at Jake's with his family. They were mad at first but are letting us stay there for a while. We plan to save up some money and get our own place over the summer." It seems like they've got it all figured out.

"That's a good plan." Becca says.

Mrs. Ryle glares at us so we stay quiet for the rest of class, going back to our work.

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