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"Yah, better get up now . . . Your goanna be last on your first day back too school!" My mum says at me as she is yelling and smacking you to get up.
"OK FINE . . . IM UP. NOW GET OFF ME" I yell back at my mum.  As I jump out of bed and walk to the shower. Well i guess you guys are wondering who i am.

The name is Chen Jezebel Gray (JG). Wondering why I don't have a Korean surname? Well that's cos my dad is chinese/Spanish and my mum is Korean/American. Weird? Well that's what everyone says. Nobody believes me, even though my skin colour is tan. Its pretty annoying that everyone says that I'm making bullshit up, so that I can get some attention.

And wonder why they say that, cos I dress up like a nerd. Yep thats right, a nerd. Nerdy glasses, nerdy hair and everything else a nerd has. But the thing is that people think that im just a nerd. WRONG. Im not a nerd in real life, that's just what my school thinks I am. The real me, in life is that, in not an ordinary child, no I am a . . . DAUGHTER OF A GANGSTER. Yep that's right I am a DAUGHTER of a gangster.

But I'm not the only child , I have older and younger siblings. I have 5 older siblings, 3 boys n 2 girls in that order then me then my 3 younger siblings, 2 boys n 1 girl but my little sister is the second half youngest in my family. And we are all children of a gangster. But it wasn't hard for us too keep as a secret, well only got me and my older siblings. The 3 little ones are the ones that just made it hard for us. Going to school, and telling everyone (and when I say everyone, I like mean everyone like their friends, teachers and even strangers) that their dad is a gangster.

Making it even more hard for us , especially me cos I have to drop and pick them up everyday from  school, the parents of other kids Always ask me if my father is a gangster in real life, but I always refuse and tell them that it was a lie, and you know that kids their age is always lying and making stuff up, lucky they believed that. Sometimes they even ask me if I am their mother instead of their older sister cos they have only seen me drop the younger ones off to school then my parents but I always say no and my parents are busy with work

Well that's my family. My family of 11 including me, pretty big and pretty annoying. Everyone in my family is smart, good looking and has a joyful personality. Everyone in my family but me I'm the complete opposite in my family, well not that opposite, I am smart and everyone in my family says I am good looking but I look ugly cos of the glasses that I wear to school, but I don't believe them cos my friends always say that I'm pretty not matter what I wear, they even said that I look pretty in my school uniform even though I wear glasses and I put my hair into 2 separate braides and I have my socks all the way up to my knees, well there's a reason for why I put my socks to my knees, its cos I have tattoos on my right carv muscle and a tattoo on my left foot but you can see it on my ankle, so yea.

And lastly, my personality. Like I said, Everyone in my family has a Joyful personality, but me. Im the complete opposite of joyful in my family. Im more likely to have the cold blooded personality in my family, like I'm disrespectful, mean, bad, cold, rude, I push everyone away that trys to enter my life, besides my friends

Well that's enough with my life intro, you know everything about me now, like I'm a daughter, of a gangster, I dress like a nerd to school but I dress different at home, I have a cold personality, I have 8 siblings, and what else... Ohhh and I'm also really rich, I live In a huge mansion (up top^) and I have my own gang with 14 people in it, 7 girls in it including me and then 7 boys which are my closet, guy friends. So yeah.

Anyways, back to the story. As I finish having a shower, I quickly put my uniform family on and put my black adidas ZX flux on and quickly on my nerdy glasses and quickly run down stairs too find everyone eating at the dinning table.

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