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MuM🤦‍♀️: Of course, we loved each other that much that we want to have 9 children and our team came true, so if you want more players added into the team then tell me, then me and your father will be happy to give you more.
Mum said sounding cheerful
Me: wait mum are you telling me that you are willing to have sex again with dad to make more football players in the family.
MuM🤦‍♀️: yep
Me: Ewww gross Mum . . . You already have 9 of us, how many more do you want?
I asked shocked
MuM🤦‍♀️: I want another 9 more
Mum said calmly. I nearly vomited in my mouth.
Me: WHAT, thats 18 kids all together. Your not serious right?
I asked wanting an answer immendtily

MuM🤦‍♀️: yeah so what's wrong with that
Mum said like it I didn't matter at all
Me: what do you mean, what's wrong with that, Mum that's no football team no more, that's a baseball team.
I said getting annoyed
Me: my goodness! You know what, this conversation is over I am hanging cos this conversation just going to go so else where.

MuM🤦‍♀️: bahhahaha, my poor daughter... alright then I'll let you go but remember to come tonight ok or else your gounded ok.
Me: like anything happens
I scoff
MuM🤦‍♀️: well something will happen if you don't come tonight
Me: wow I'm scared now . . . anyways goanna go now
MuM🤦‍♀️: ok take care and remember to come tonight ok bye
Me: yeah I'll remember bye
After that I hung up the phone and just sat on the ground drinking.

I was walking to the convinece store in front of school. I was about to walk into the store when I bumped into someone . . . When I looked up it Jezebel the nerd, I like to bully. "Ohhh it's just you" I said as I stood up from the ground. "please don't do this here . . . my younger siblings are here" she said as she got up from the floor and walked straight passed me to where her younger siblings are.

To be honest, I've always wondered what her siblings looked like. I have never seen any of her siblings besides her. Everyone says her younger siblings are so cute but she's the ugliest one in her family. As she stopped in front of 3 little kids, they started talking, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about. 2 minutes passed and I was still standing in front of the stores door watching Jezebel and her siblings talk. Something caught my hearing.

One little boy asked Jezebel is she brought drinks again. Drinks? What type? From where I was standing, I could tell, it looks like Jezebel started to freak out. She started to look around her surroundings, when she looked behide she looked at me with shocked expression. She turned back around and bent down to the little boys height and continued talking.

Jezebel and her siblings have been standing in front of the store talking for 10 minutes. She was talking to her siblings like they trying to not be heard by anyone. When Jezebel and her siblings decided to go to school. I walked inside the store and got the stuff I need. When I was done shopping, I walked out of the store and bumped into my friends. We call ourselves BTS and there is 7 of us in the group and we are the kingkas in our school. The girls love us and the boys they hate us since we, well since I steal their girlfriends. Its pretty fun, I just steal the hearts of the girls in my school then the next day I break their hearts like a toy.

I walked in school with the boys aka BTS. And as always we get the stares, comments, screams, glares from the other boys, the crys from the girls and the disappointing, looks from the teachers. Me and the boys went to our hideout, schools basement. We chilled in there until the bell went. When the bell went we got up and went to our assigned classrooms. I took my time walking to class as my older hyungs went their separate ways. I walked into classroom to see my homeroom teacher.

"your late" she said to me but I didn't care. I looked around the class for an empty seat but the only seat that was lefted was at the back next to . . . Jezebel.

Re-editing - > GANGSTERS DAUGHTER/ JEON JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now