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We got our food and drinks while I drove to the basket ball courts. We ate in silence while the music was just blasting in the silence around us, as we were stuffing food into our mouths. When we were done, we cleaned up messed and played some basket ball. For the first 5 minutes one person after the other stopped playing. Not cos they were tired, but because i was playing to rough and hard that i ended up playing by myself. The rest just sat down, chatting, relaxing and just listening to the blasting music within the air.

15 minutes passed as i was playing basket ball by myself, i was so in deep thought that i didn't realise other people arrived to the courts and went to the other court beside the one we were using. The ball slipped out of my hand, rolling off. Since the courts don't have any fences, it ended up rolling under someone's foot. I wasn't in any mood to get my ball back.

I walked to where my ball was rolling until it came to a stop. It was under someones foot. The boy that had my ball stood still like a rock, not moving a bit, he looked scared. I didn't care who he was or what he was, i just got wanted my ball back. I pointed to my ball, as the boys gazed followed. He looked back up to me giving me a confused look. I sighed and said "ball."

It took him a few moments to understand what i was saying. He bent down and picked up the ball from under his foot and streched out his hands giving me my ball back. But the thing was, when he was bending down get my ball, i saw a boy around his age hugging his leg while hiding. Wtf are they gay or what?. Once my ball was back in my hands, i turned around and started walking until a voice stopped me. It was the boy and he yelled out to me "Hey!".

I stopped and turned around, with the ball under my arm, to look at the boy. It was no one, but the one and only jeon jungkook. "What?" i said in a cold, tired voice. "D-do you remember me?" He asked me, but why did he stutter? Is he scared of me? A nerd he bullies at school, i can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out that nerd is me.
I straighten myself and eyed him up and down. "Yeah . . ." he smiled, but i wasn't done yet, ". . . No" his smile faded away. I'm just playing with him. This is goanna be fun! But tiring.

"It's me, Jeon JungKook, the guy you met at the restaurant, 20 minutes ago or  something like that." I looked at him, but only studied his stupid face. "oOh!~right~ You~ . . . That kid my parents tired to sell me off too" I said. "Hey, you know, you weren't the only one who thought their parent's were selling them off to someone chick i dont know" he snapped back at me as i spoke again. "Well, if you didn't sit in that chair like a bloody statue . . . You could've, at least asked you parents what on damn earth you were doing there" i backfired at him. He looked like he wasn't goanna give up so he spoke again.

"Hey, i tried asking them before i even entered the car . . . And when they said they wanted us to get marriaged, i couldn't do anything about it.". "See, that's what you kids only think about these days, Pride . . . You have to much pride. If you were smart enough then you wouldve dropped that pride down at least a smitch, you could've got something done. But Noooo, you wanted to be Mr. good boy, and sit your little ass down on that stupid chair, so that your damn dad wouldn't cut your bloodly credit card off". Instead of an comback, i received a shocked face.

"Y-yahh, how did you know about that?" He asked me but i just looked at him. "That's for me to know, and for you to never find out . . . All I'll say to you is that i know every single detail about you . . . Mr Jeon Jung . . . Kook."

"But I've gotta ask . . . Is your friend alright or is he. . . Just . . . Dumb?" i asked, as i twisted my head in his direction to see an embrassed Kim Taehyung, also known as V. I know what i said was a bit harsh, but he was just sitting there, hugging JungKook while listening to us agruing, but i have to say, when i first noticed him, i was about to laugh, but i decided to hold it in longer. Kim Taehyung, you just made my day😂😘

Re-editing - > GANGSTERS DAUGHTER/ JEON JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now