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I walked inside my house. Mum, dad and the Jeon's were still awake and here. I dragged my feet inside as my head hanged down. "G-G-Gray" the sound of my name made me pause. I slowly looked up as tear's streamed down my face again. My legs gave up and I kneeled down in front of my parents.

"I'm sorry" I whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. My apology was for all the trouble I've caused to my family, every burden I've given to everyone and every word I've said to them, I've taken back. "Gray" Dad ran to me. Kneeled down with me and wrapped me in his arms. The objects in my hands dropped to the floor as I bursted into tears again. I buried my face into my dads broad chest and soaked it with my tears. "I'm sorry . . . I really am . . . Sorry . . . For everything" "shhhh" Dad hushed me as I practically gave up in his arms.

I allowed him to hold onto me. "I'm . . . Sorry" I cried. My headache grew and grew more painfully. I could feel myself going red and hot, but I felt cold and icy on the inside. Slowly as I was crying, I felt my eyes start to close, my tears eventually stopped and darkness took over as I felt happy. Was it death awaiting me? Or something else?

JungKook's POV
Ever since I was dragged back here to Gray's house, it's been really boring. I haven't seen everyone since gray walked out of the house dressed in black. I jumped a bit when I saw her. It was currently 1 in the morning. My parents refused to leave the Chen's house until Gray returned. Today was Gray's brother death anniversary. Explained why she was playing basket ball on the courts today and was acting a bit weird.

I was sitting on the couch, just staring up at the ceiling wondering when the hell Gray is going to return so I could go home and sleep. I heard the door click but I ignored it thinking it was the wind from outside. "G-G-Gray" Mrs. Chen called out. My head jolted up as I looked in the direction of the door. There was Gray, walking with her head down and her body droopy. She stood in the middle of the living room, she slowly looked up with tears streaming down her face.

She's crying? Why? She kneeled down in front of everyone. Mum gasped, my mouth gapped open, my eyes widen as well as the Chen's. "I'm sorry" she whispered. It was ghost silent in here. You could hear each other's breathing in here. "Gray" Mr. Chen ran to his daughter and wrapped her in a hug. Gray buried her face in his chest and cried her lungs out. "I'm sorry . . . I really am . . . Sorry . . . For everything" she apologised. Her voice cracking through every word. "shhhh" her father tried hushing her as she cried and cried and cried. "I'm . . . Sorry" she said slowly. Her body slowly stopped moving, her breathing quiet, her body turned more red feather than her normal colour.

She was silent. "Gray" her mom called out. "Gray" she said again. "Gray sweetie . . . Mummy accepts your apologies, you don't need to play a game" she says quietly as she slowly moved towards the two. "Gray" her father tried. He leaned out of the hug and her head rocked backwards. We all gasped, "Gray! G-g-Gray!" Her Mom yelled as she went down on her knees and started shaking her body furiously.

I ran up to them and felt her cheek. She's burning . . . Really really hot she fainted. "She's got the fever . . . She's burning up" cold beads of sweat framed on her forehead and her hair stuck to her face and skin like a magnet. I picked her up from her dads arms and said, "we should take her to the hospital" everyone nodded and we all ran out to the cars. Since I brought my own car, I put her in my passengers seat and I sped all the way to the hospital. I don't know why I was worrying so much, about her in the first place.

Just as I arrived, the Chen's pulled up behind my car. I bridal-style carried her inside and Mrs. Chen kept on screaming someone's name until a doctor ran up to me. "What happened?" He yelled as he saw Gray in my arms. "She fainted" he started barking orders and we moved into a room where I laid her on a bed. "Her heart beat is slowly down!" My breath hitched and my heart skipped a beat. Her heart is slowing down? I paced around the door of where Gray laid. She was slowly losing colour in her.

Re-editing - > GANGSTERS DAUGHTER/ JEON JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now