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With his alarm clock blaring, Jacob groaned loudly before sitting up in his bed. He pressed the off button on his alarm clock. He looked around the room as he yawned. His room was a mess with clothes all over the floor, food wrappers all over his desk, and his Xbox controller in his bed since he was playing late last night.

Jacob climbed out of his bed and walked out of his room so he could take a shower. He knew it was early, but it was later than he would usually get up for school.

It was Monday, meaning Jacob had an hour until Diego would be outside to pick him up. But it was also summer, so it was the beginning of his job working at Mateo's brother's country club. The Dallas Rolling Rock Hills Country Club.

When Jacob finished in the shower, he put on his caddie uniform that was a white colored shirt, khaki pants, and a white visor. He made sure he looked good in the bathroom mirror before he headed downstairs to get something to eat.

Jacob walked into the kitchen of his condo to see his mom cooking on the stove while he could see his sister watching tv on the couch.

"Morning." Jacob greeted with a sigh. "The gang will be here soon to pick me up."

Jacob's mom Nicole turned around and faced him. "Alright. I made you some eggs." She spoke, reaching to the plate sitting next to the stove and spilled the pot of eggs she was making onto the plate. Jacob took it and begun to eat it while he walked around from the kitchen to their connected living room. He sat down next to his sister Melanie and watched tv with her.

Melanie didn't say anything to him as she just kept her eyes focused on the tv screen. When Jacob finished eating, he got up and set the plate on the counter. Right before he could say anything to his mom, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. When Jacob checked it, he saw it was Diego telling him they were downstairs waiting for him.

"I gotta go. They're here." Jacob spoke aloud. He grabbed his keys from the table by the front door and walked out the condo. Jacob ran downstairs and out the front doors. The moment he walked outside, he saw Diego leaning against his pick up truck, Clover sitting in the passenger seat with the door open, and Andrew sitting in the flatbed. Ethan was climbing into Diego's flatbed while Jose and Stephen were in Ethan's car.

"What's happening?" Jacob asked. "Why're they in the flatbed?"

Diego smirked. "Andrew was sitting in it on the way here, so Ethan's going to join him while we make a pit stop at Ricky's. Just get in."

Jacob nodded slowly as he got into the back seat of the pickup truck. He heard Clover close her door while Diego ran to the driver's seat and got in. He started the car before driving off. Jacob turned around and looked out the back window to see Andrew and Ethan screaming as Diego sped down the streets and made turns.

"Faster!" Ethan screamed. "Faster!"

Andrew laughed as he looked behind them and saw Stephen and Jose following them. Jose was driving while Stephen was using his phone to film them. Andrew turned around when he felt the truck jolt quickly making both him and Ethan slide to the left.

Ethan held onto the edge of the flatbed as they drove into a neighborhood. Soon Diego had stopped making both Ethan and Andrew chuckle. They climbed out of the flatbed as their friends got out their cars. Andrew had to be careful since his left knee was still in its brace. He's been doing his physical therapy as often as he could, going once a day.

Andrew followed along with Ethan behind Clover to the front door of Ricky's house. They had all noticed the dried blood on the porch, steps, and walk way through their front lawn. Clover knocked on the door while the boys crowded around her.

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