Feather Tattoo

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Sunday mid afternoon, Diego and Ricky were getting out of Diego's pickup truck as they went inside a laser removal clinic. Ricky had dragged Diego along with him to get his tattoo removed, but Diego didn't mind since he had seen that tattoo removals hurt and this could be very entertaining for him to watch Ricky be in pain.

The two boys walked into the laser clinic together and noticed it was quiet and nearly empty. There was just one other person in the waiting room. The waiting room was white with white chairs while the receptionist desk was a brown wood.

Diego sat down in one of the chairs as he checked his phone and waited for Ricky to check in. Diego was texting Ethan since he was still sick and hadn't left his house all weekend from his illness.

To: Lunatic Ethan
From: Latin Slut
You feeling any better?

To: Latin Slut
Nope. Not at all. But I'll be at practice tomorrow. Should be fine by then

To: Lunatic Ethan
Alright. Feel better.

Diego looked up to see Ricky walking towards him in his simple black shirt so he could easily take it off when he had to get the tattoo removed. Ricky sat down next to him and sighed as he looked around at the waiting room.

"So, finally getting the tattoo removed?" Diego asked. "End of an era."

Ricky chuckled as he scratched the stubble that was growing on his jaw and lower cheeks. "Whatever. It's finally time I get rid of it. Time for me to let go of the past."

Diego nodded slowly as he set his phone down on his thigh and gave Ricky his full attention. "So, after this we're going to the tattoo shop up the street to get you a new tattoo. Of what?"

Ricky nodded slowly agreeing to their plan they had already agreed upon. Before Ricky could respond to him verbally, they heard his name being called. The two boys got up and followed the woman into a back room. There was an examining table for Ricky to sit on while there was a chair next to it for Diego.

They both sat down while the woman started to prepare the lasers. As she did, she turned towards the two boys. Ricky had already taken off his shirt and had balled it up in his hands to hold onto it.

"My name is Amber." The woman introduced herself and put the numbing cream over his tattoo. "So, what's the story of the tattoo?"

Ricky laid his head back on the examine table that was propped up so it was like a chair. "Ex girlfriend's nickname. Big mistake. I don't even know why I got it."

Amber giggled as she nodded. She gave each of the boys goggles to protect their eyes from the lasers before putting on her own. Ricky put them on after he looked over to Diego. Diego was looking around and barely listening to them.

"Is this gonna hurt him?" Diego asked, snapping his head towards them. "Cause if it does, that'll be the best thing ever."

Amber chuckled. "Just a little bit. It'll sound a lot more violent than it actually will be. You got lucky because black is one of the easier to remove. Why? Like your friends being in pain?"

Diego chuckled and nodded slowly as he looked at Ricky sitting there waiting patiently. "Yeah. It's fun for me. Because I'm not dumb enough to get my girl's name on me. That's bad luck, she even told you that."

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