"That's Never Happening Again."

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Saturday morning, instead of going to practice with everyone else, Manny stayed home and decided to have a day with Bryce, her baby's father. After waking up hours later than she usually would to go to the football practice, Manny showered, opened all the curtains in the house, and made herself some breakfast.

She was in the middle of watching a movie when she heard Bryce knocking on the door. Manny put her bowl of oatmeal on the kitchen counter as she walked past it to get to the front door. When she opened it, she rolled her eyes seeing Bryce standing there with his black jacket unzipped with his shirtless body underneath. He took off his SnapBack and put it on her head as he walked in.

"Is there a reason why you're not wearing a shirt?" Manny wondered, closing the door behind him.

Bryce nodded. He opened up his jacket and showed her the fresh tattoo on his side with the plastic and tape covering it. It was of an angel holding a rosary in its hands as it prayed.

"Lovely." She said in a monotoned voice. "How long did it take?"

Bryce thought for a moment as he put his hands in his jean pockets. "Two hours...yeah about two hours. Lots of details on it."

Manny just nodded her head as she walked past him. "You want some water or something?"

"Nah, I'm good. Thank you, though." He replied, following her into the living room. Bryce sat down next to her on the couch and kicked his shoes off. "Where's your dad and little friend?"

"Football practice." Manny breathed. "They're all there. Won't be back for a whole bunch of hours. Practice doesn't end until 3."

"It's 1:25." Bryce snickered, looking at his phone for the time. "What? You just wake up or something?"

Manny laughed as she ran her hands over her face. "Yeah. I'm exhausted lately. I've been gaining weight and I'm getting stretch marks everywhere. This is your fault."

"Takes two to tango." Bryce reminded her. "Actually, I got you something, if you want it."

Manny moved her fingers so she could see him. "Is it food?"

"No." He chuckled. "But it'll help you sleep better. Come on, it's in my car."

Bryce quickly got up and ran off outside to go to his car while Manny trailed behind him. She didn't bother to put on shoes since his car was parked right outside. She walked outside in her blue socks, white tank top, and green sweatpants as she used Bryce's SnapBack to covered her eyes from the beaming sun. When Manny made it to his car, Bryce had opened up his back seat and showed her the stuff he had bought not only for her but their baby.

Manny put her hands over her mouth as she saw a Leachco Back 'N Belly Chic pregnancy pillow along with a black car seat and a playpen. She turned towards Bryce and smiled widely.

"Where did you get these?"

Bryce scoffed. "The store." He pointed out the obvious. "Also, I got an apartment two blocks away. But if you want I can crash on the couch until your comfortable with me not being around at night. Or if you wanna move in with me..."

"Not happening." Manny scoffed. "But it's good you're doing your stuff. I appreciate it. My ultrasound is next week if you wanna find out the gender. Or you can bring your mom or sister for them to find out the gender for us and throw a gender reveal party."

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