Camp Trip Day 1

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After loading the buses at 10am and going on a 2 hour drive, the Dallas Jaguars, their coaches, the trainer, and Manny arrived to the camp. They got off the busses and got their bags to carry them inside. Stephen slugged his over his shoulder as he walked behind Andrew, who Mateo forced to come since he needed to be use to being part of a team.

The two followed their teammates and friends away from the busses and down the dirt trail to the heart of camp. There was a woman and a man standing there in camp uniforms waiting for them.

"Hello!" The woman spoke excitedly. "Welcome to Camp Green Lake! I'm Chloe. How are all of you?"

"Oh my god." Ethan groaned, irritated.

"Oh my god!" Manny giggled, excitedly.

Mateo snickered as he walked up to Chloe and shook her hand. "I'm Mateo Sanchez. Thank you again for letting us stay here for the week."

The man nodded to Mateo. "It's no problem. I'm Kenny. Nice to meet you."

Mateo shook his hand before turning towards the group of football players. Chloe kept her bright smile as she looked over the faces of the players.

"Hello, nice to see you all. Here at Camp Green Lake,  we are a a digital detox experience. Okay? So hand over your phones."

"No!" Jose groaned. "Not this bullshit again."

Mateo nodded as he watched Kenny pull a small string bag out of his pocket and walk around making the players put their phone into the bags. When he got to Andrew he shook his head.

"Fuck no, I'm not even on this team anymore." Andrew reminded them.

Mateo glared at him. "But you're on this team for the week. Give your phone up."

Andrew groaned and rolled his eyes as he dropped his phone into the bag. They all reluctantly gave their laptops, headphones, and other electronics to Victor, Sam, and Danny who walked around with large lock boxes for them to put them in. When Danny got to Clover, she shook her head with her arms crossed.

"My boyfriend is in a third world country in the middle of a warzone and has to be carrying a huge gun when he leaves base." Clover reminded them. "I'm not giving you my phone."

"Give it up." Danny told her. He gave her a stern look and watched her groan loudly as she went into her bags and gave up her electronics. As he put them in he looked down at her and whispered. "I'll let you check it twice a day."

Clover smiled softly as she watched him go around and collect the rest. All their attention fell back on Chloe who was smiling widely as she paced back and forth in front of them. Her blonde hair flew around as she did. Kenny on the other hand was just standing back watching her move back and forth.

"You're all here because your coaches want you to get back to your main focus of football and to your team. Okay? You're addicted to other things. Like your significant others, your outside friends, video games, or your phones."

"Oh okay," Manny interrupted, "before you insult me, I'm not addicted to my phone or any of those things. That's beyond."

"Exactly!" Colby pointed out, leaning against Jose's shoulder. "This is ridiculous."

"Your parents signed the form." Mateo reminded them. "So, get use to it. This is your life for the next 7 or 8 days."

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