Camp Trip Day 5

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Thursday morning, the sun beamed through the open curtains in the cabins. Being the only person still in bed, Manny rolled over onto her back and looked around the cabin. She saw Clover was already gone and she could hear the yells of the football players at their makeshift field.

Manny sat up and rubbed her hands over her eyes before putting one of her hands on her belly. She threw her legs over the side of the bed as she could see Clover had left her some clothes on the bottom bunk of the bunk beds. Manny stood up and put them on before she was forced to go outside and to the field.

By the time she got to the field, she saw the players were already sweating and playing a fake game to see if they could get use to the pressure and the adrenaline of a real game again.


30 minutes later, Mateo had them playing a fake game again. He had stopped them so they could work on plays, which didn't go so well so he just tried to put into a game setting to see if that would help them get the plays down better.

Clover called out the play like usual and yelled out hut. She caught the ball from her center and quickly stepped back to get the ball to Jacob, but she couldn't when Jacob was forced to dodge Stephen and go a different route. Clover just threw the ball to the ground since the play wasn't working out.

"This shit ain't working." Mateo sighed. He took the play book off the ground and looked through it. He whistled for Clover to come over to call a different play while they heard the players complaint.

"This is a dumb idea." Stephen huffed frustrated. "These plays are absolute trash. They're garbage. They're either too complicated or too simple."

"They're to hard because you can never run them!" Clover snapped at him, having heard him complaining from her spot on the sidelines. "Maybe we wouldn't have to change them every five seconds if you could do what you're suppose to do."

Stephen scoffed as he sat down on the ground. "What's that? Lay on my back while you throw the ball to Jose every time? You can't keep using him as your safety net all the time."

"Like you had Diego and Andrew as your safety nets?" Jose fought back, squatting down at his position on the field. "Put on your big boy pants and keep up, little boy. Maybe if you did your part we wouldn't have to be doing these dumb plays. Y'all are playing like you've never played football before."

"Boy gets first rank and his ego blows up." Andrew scoffed. "You don't even want to run anymore, just jog around the field like you're too good to sweat."

"If it wasn't for us you would be sitting at home right now looking for a job instead of going to college." Jose spat. "Just be happy if we make you look good tomorrow in front of your college representatives since we have to hold your hand every step of the way."

"You wanna say that to my face?" Andrew asked, walking away from his spot and over to Jose. Jose threw off his helmet and started walking towards him.

Quickly Ethan ran in front of Andrew and pushed him back while Colby grabbed onto the back of Jose's jersey and padding and pulled him back with all his strength.

"Don't break a knee." Jose spat. Andrew just glared at him as he walked over to his spot on the line of scrimmage.

"You gonna play?" Andrew asked, seeing Stephen sitting on the ground. Stephen just shook his head and didn't reply knowing it was going to just escalate from there. He stayed sitting as the play was called and the play went into action. With him not playing, Jacob easily got to the endzone. Stephen just clapped his hands sarcastically.

"Coleman!" Mateo yelled. "Get up! Or get off the field!"

Jacob tossed the ball back over towards where Clover was, but she dodged it and let Colby catch it for her. Clover waited for everyone to be lined up before calling a play. Once it was called, everyone broke off into their areas. The ball was thrown straight to Jose who took off running with it. When Andrew went to tackle him, Jose grabbed onto the face mask of Andrew's helmet and dragged him to the ground.

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