Camp Trip Day 7

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Today was Saturday and it's the final day of them being at the camp. It was drizzling and the sun was hidden behind the grey clouds above the camp. But like any other morning they woke up, put on their camp uniforms, and walked to get breakfast. To the coach's and Danny's surprise, they all were interacting and didn't seem to have any problems with each other.

Coach Sam sat on top of a table and looked over the teenagers as they laughed and joked with each other like they always did. "Seems like they can sort out their own issues for once."

"They always fight like that?" Danny wondered. "Or was that like a one time thing?"

Coach Victor scoffed as he crossed his arms and leaned against the lunch table Sam was sitting on. "They're teenagers. They fight. They get irritated with each other. Shit, they're probably not gonna talk to each other for the next week. All they need is some time apart and they'll be fine."

"Exactly." Mateo sighed. "That's why I can't wait to get them the hell out of here." He dug into his pocket and pulled out his whistle before blowing it to get all of the players' attention. "The busses will be here in 45 minutes! Pack your bags and you'll get your electronics back before we get on the bus."

Instantly, all the teenagers ran out of the mess hall and off to their cabins. None of them stopped running until they got into their cabins and started packing like crazy people.

Jose grabbed all his clothes and put them into his suitcase before taking his sheets and blanket off his bed and shoving them into a duffle bag. They had already packed up their football gear last night so those bags were already by the door of their cabin. Jose looked over to Colby who was trying to fit his clothes and shoes into his suitcase.

"Jose sit on this." Colby called out to his boyfriend.

Jose nodded as he stood on Colby's bed before sitting on the suitcase. Since Jacob didn't bring all of his things to this cabin, he had to pack in his original cabin. It wasn't a surprise to them when the door open and Ethan walked in with his damp hair slicked back.

"Amores." Ethan smirked, winking to them. "You gonna go tell your parents your banging when you get home?"

"My mom already knows." Colby shrugged, zipping up his suitcase.

Ethan raised his eyebrows to Jose who had gotten up and went to finish packing his own things. Ethan took his blanket and sheets off the top bunk and put them into a bag.

Jose shrugged. "I'll tell Sophia first then Lilian and my parents. Start siblings to parents. I hear that's better."

Ethan looked over to Colby. "Is it? Do you have siblings?"

Colby nodded. "I have a brother." He answered. "He's known since I was born, as he says. He could tell by little things I did. It wasn't much of a shock when I told him, so with your sisters having no idea I wouldn't know."

Jose nodded slowly as he put the last of his things into a smaller suitcase and zipped it close. "I'll tell them...eventually."

Ethan snorted as he picked up his bags and tossed them towards the cabin door. "Just know, the team is eventually gonna start picking up on you twos little flirting and cute little moments on the field. At a point, it's not longer running back and fullback having each other's backs. It's when the running back and the fullback are laying on their backs."

"Ethan." Jose snickered. "That's disgusting."

"How do you think I feel?" Ethan asked. "You think I don't hear y'all making out while I take naps after practice? That's disgusting! It's gross! Plus taking it up the ass can't be healthy."

Colby laughed while Jose punched Ethan in the arm. They finished packing their last bags before carrying them out to the middle of the camp where the coaches wanted their bags to be so they were easy to load onto the busses.


When they loaded the busses, the coaches kept their promise and let them have their phones and other electronics back. So, the first 20 minutes of the bus ride was full of dings, phone call rings, keyboard typing, and blasting of the new songs that had came out that week. But soon after that, the busses grew quieter and there wasn't as much noise other then talking and some of them playing music through speakers.

Manny was leaning against the window as she watched them come into civilization and them pass buildings and stores while the streets were full of people and cars. She looked next to her to see Clover texting while also talking to Danny who was in the row of seats diagonal to them. He was turned in his seat so he could look back at her and talk to her.

Manny turned her head back to the window before she felt her phone vibrate in her lap. She looked down to see Jacob had texted her.

From: Papi Blanco
To: Princess Manny
What's wrong? Don't know what it's like to have a phone anymore?

Manny frowned and looked around to see Jacob in the seats by the window that was diagonally behind them. She giggled before looking to her phone and texting him back.

From: Princess Manny
No, I'm sleepy

From: Papi Blanco
How about we take a nap when we get home? My bed or yours?

From: Princess Manny
Can't. Me and Bryce are going to the doctor for the baby. 15 weeks tomorrow.

From: Papi Blanco
Ew. I hate him

From: Princess Manny
He's a good kid. He just got a job as a janitor in a business office. He's even saving up for an apartment for him to live in. But he bought some baby supplies, too.

From: Papi Blanco
Next topic please

Manny giggled as she looked back at Jacob and saw him looking at her while shaking his head. Manny signaled to him that she was going to go to sleep until they got back home, which Jacob just nodded his head and talked to the boy sitting next to him.


When they arrived back to the school, their families were already waiting to bring them home. All of the boys went to greet their families while Clover and Manny held hands as they went to Mateo's car that had been sitting in the parking lot for the past week.

"Your mom not coming to pick you up?" Mateo asked, walking up behind them and putting heir bags in the trunk.

Clover shook her head. "She has work today. All day. Being a medical assistant is hard on anyone so I'm not trying to wear her out by worrying her about taking me home on her lunch break. My sister's car is broken down and she's stuck at home and my dad...I don't know about him anymore." She shrugged.

Manny smiled softly to her as she rubbed her hand up and down Clover's arm. "Well, we can go home and call up Dante. See if he isn't busy."

Clover smiled widely. She could admit that the week away with the team helped her forget about Dante's extended deployment, but Clover just wanted to get back and go to her third home that she would be staying at this summer. So, Mateo made sure they had all their things before letting the girls get in and driving them home.

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