Tattoo Removals and Skipped Meals

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Wednesday morning, Manny was sitting in the bottom row of the bleachers while she watched her dad yell at random football players. They were all geared up in padding, practice jerseys, and helmets. Manny didn't know what they were doing, so she didn't even try to figure out what was happening.

As Manny was scrolling through her phone, she could see someone running passed her. She looked up to see Ethan running to his football bag with his water bottle in his hand. Manny glanced at him and watched him dig through his bag before she turned her attention back to her phone.

Minutes went by of Manny just minding her own business, but she looked up when she noticed the sun was suddenly blocked from in front of her. Manny looked up to see Jacob standing there with his helmet in his hand.

"What's up?" Manny smiled. She scooted over on the bench so he could sit down, but he shook his head.

"Nah, I can't. I gotta get back on the field soon." He smirked. "I'm surprised you showed up today. Thought you'd be at home."

"I wanted to be, but I got lonely yesterday and decided that I need to start getting out the house." She shrugged. "You still the wife receiver? My dad was making a list of kids names who if they couldn't do the drills today or the plays he made, they're kicked out."

Jacob chuckled as he looked back at the field. Mateo was yelling as he was telling players where they were suppose to be. "Yeah, I think I got a pretty good chance. I don't think we're gonna have many good players on junior varsity cause these kids suck."

Manny nodded slowly as she turned her attention back to her phone. "That's good. I mean, for you." She commented. "Clover doing good?"

Jacob nodded quickly. "Oh yeah! Her and Lane are showing up everyone else. And Jose is running laps around everyone. I'm just waiting for Diego, Stephen, and Ethan to start doing their usual dominance. You know, breaking padding and knocking people on their asses."

"That's good." She smiled. "What're y'all doing after this?"

Jacob shrugged. Before he could answer, he heard the coaches yelling for him to get back on the field. Jacob started walking towards the field but turned around to face her again.

"How about we get some lunch? Just us two?" Jacob offered.

Manny's face lit up instantly. "Umm...yeah! Cool! I'd love that."


After practice was well and over, the group of friends headed to the parking lot and got their individual rides home. They had planned on meeting up and going to the mall together along with ricky and andrew while jacob and manny went out on their lunch date. After they showered, changed, and had gotten ready to go out, the seven got rides to the mall and met up outside.

Ricky was the last one to show up and was dropped off by his aunt since she was babysitting his brothers while his mom was at work and he had the morning shift at work. He walked up to his group of friends who was waiting on and around a bench.

"Where's the white one?" Ricky frowned, seeing Jacob was missing out of their group.

"Went out with Manny." Jose answered, standing up off the bench. "Come on, I need a new pair of jeans."

The group headed inside and instantly got looks from shoppers since they were a large group of teenagers who were most likely going to cause trouble. It wasn't long before they split up and went in their separate directions.

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