00; o.h. prologue.

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Prologue: I Can Feel The Draw.

If there was one thing on a delinquent's mind, it was solitude. Being incased in a cell for no matter how long, each individual knows how it was going to end.

With an ending comes a new beginning. Like those who turn 18 outside of the Skybox won't have to face consequences of being forced to trial over life or death. Or the consequence of solitude away from all civilians because of breaking a rule that normally wouldn't be broken. Including the face that no matter how hard you try to change the past with your present deeds, you can't change the council's mind about whether you to be floated or have another trial to protect yourself from dying.

They get their "new beginning" since they don't have anything to fear. They get to live their lives past 18, and not have to be tried and judged by the council.

No one on the Ark, the civilians, had to deal with these consequences. They have their jobs, they have their families, and they have their lives that they can live. All they worry about is the rations they have, and how they prioritize their schedules. They don't have that constant reminder of every crime committed with their own hands. They just let life slide by with laughter and joy; but not all good comes to everyone.

Unfortunately, Quinn Jordan wasn't one of the fortunate ones.

If you saw her, you would question everything about her as soon as you caught her sight. With the 5 dots above her left eyebrow, you would think it was a count of how many she had killed. But she wasn't a killer. Or the fact from her shoulder to her collarbone were blackened birds that seemed to be flying upwards up her neck.

But no one questioned her. Because some were too afraid to even talk to her.

A brown haired girl with these exact same tattoos laid out on her bed of her cell. Cell 315, one of the cells on the many hundreds of floors on the east side of the Ark. She was bored, curious, and outright estranged. Being alone, and known as the lunatic didn't make her life easier.

There was once a time where her life was almost perfect. She had a family, a mom and a dad, and little did the Ark know, she had a younger brother. She did everything to protect him, to only have everyone of them taken away from her in one flash.

Screams of agony still swarmed inside her head, clearing every sane thought she could ever had. Her vision blocked by the very scene of her parents and brother being shot off into the darkness.

Another flash, and she was sitting in the chair in the medical ward. A doctor with long brown hair tied in a knot on top of her head, and calming brown eyes. But this woman was anything but calm in Quinn's eyes. She was the doctor who was affiliated with her "treatment". Her shocks. It wasn't the doc's fault though, in any case it would be the former chancellor's.

She had many issues besides revolving around the former chancellor. It regarded with her own knowledge that she had obtained from overseeing a man over in the engineer section of the Ark, and being informed of the misfortunes that the Ark possessed.

Even with the misfortune, she was also one of the most violent. She had the shakes from the shocks, but that soon goes away after a time from the medical ward. Without those shakes, she could be invincible in a sense that protecting one's own was the most important to her on the Ark. She proved herself too, from almost being sent off somewhere else when she beaten a guard down until he cold and blue.

It wasn't a good time back then, but looking back she could see that it was necessary. Every chance she got she took, and that went with even trying to get out of the cell for a little while.

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