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A.N. i really hope you enjoy the story i have been wanting to write dark Percy for quite a bit. i did pull some inspiration for this story from a story on called The Queens Champion. i recommend you read it the author has a lot of good stories.


"Perseus Jackson!" His name boomed through the hall. "As you prize for saving Olympus we are granting you a gift. If you wish we will grant you immortality and you will serve as you father lieutenant for all eternity."

"Thank you lord Zeus, but no thank you. I have no wish to become immortal, i want to grow up like a regular kid." He caught Annabeth's eyes and smile. "I want my wish to be used to have you swear on the river of Styx that no more demigods will be left unclaimed and the minor gods will get recognition. By not doing those things you were almost destroyed."

"Fine we swear of the river of Styx to agree to your terms." Zeus grumbled.


Later at the party he was pulled away by his dad and Artemis. "Lady Artemis nice to see you again."

"Same to you Perseus Jackson. You have grown up to be a fine man." His chest swelled at the compliment, Artemis complimenting a man was a very rare occurrence.

"Now we know you're turned down immortality because you wished to date the daughter of Athena. I have convinced Artemis to give you the blessing of the hunters if you wish." His father spoke quietly.

"Wait you mean like on top of the invincibility the only way i could die was in combat?"

"Yes Perseus, you will have the blessing of the hunters like Zoe did."

"Um i guess i will take it." He was in shock he never expected this.

"Percy if Artemis blesses you, you may not tell any body, it must stay secret. Maybe one day you can share, but not today and not the near future."

"I understand. I will take on the blessing of the hunter of Artemis." His father nodded to Artemis and she turned to him and placed a hand on his forehead. A silver light surrounded him and faded.

"Perseus Jackson you are the first male to ever receive this blessing, but you have proven us wrong many times before, add this to your list."

"If you're going to be stuck with me forever atleast call me Percy, i dont like the name Perseus."

"Alright then Percy, i will do that for you." Artemis and his father disappeared in flashes and Percy walked back to the party.

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