Chapter 33

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Percy flashed out of the throne room furious at the gods, he didn't pay attention where in camp he was going, just camp. Just his luck, he flash in during breakfast, they were all staring at him in awe. He shook his head and ran out of the pavilion, he heard somebody running after him, assuming it was Piper he kept running to a little stream in the forest. He sat on a rock and waited for Piper, he was right Piper came up panting.

"You knew it was me didn't you?" He nodded. "Then why did you keep running?"

He smirker. "Because you hate running and i felt like it."

"Gods you're annoying. Why did you run away if you knew it was me for real?"

"Damn you. I wanted to blow off steam and i could really do that in the middle of breakfast. It was better i ran or something would have blown up."

"What did you do?" She sat down next to him and dipped her feet in the stream.

"Ot so much what i did, its what Zeus did." She gave him a pointed look. "What he threw his master bolt at me."

"Now what did you do that caused him to do that?" She knew him to well, he thought.

"If i tell you, you can't tell anyone, ever. I mean it, nobody can know."

"I swear on the river of Styx i will not repeat what you're about to tell me." He nodded.

"Next week i'm going away, for five years."

"Again Percy, you just got back. Could you just not go."

"It's really important to the next war, and you'll be fine, Where i'm going it feels like 10,000 years, for you it will only feel like 5. I can't come visit the camp, so i can't visit you."

"Where are you going?" Her kaleidoscope eyes bore into his soul trying to pull the answer out.

"You wouldn't believe me if i told you."

"Try me."

"I'm going to the Void to train with the primorials." She snorted, but he was completely serious.

"Wait like for real?" He nodded. "I swear to the gods Percy, this would only happen to you. Only you." He smiled.

"Well i'm leaving next week and i think i'll be doing enough training there. Want to go into the city?" She nodded and put her shoes back on. Percy whistled and two figures descended on them.

"Hey Blackjack, hey Guido. Can you give us a ride into the city?" Blackjack started whining. "Hey atleast i saw you those five years." "yes i am leaving again, and no i didn't ask Chiron." "What about if i get you a donut, now will you do it?" Blackjack bobbed his head and him and Guido knelt for them to climb on.

They soared into the sky. "So where do you want to go?" Percy asked her. "Actually we need to stop at the bank, we can get money there. Then we can go." She nodded and the horses flew them down into the city.

They spent the day going into stores, but not buying anything. They found an abandoned building which they explored, Piper charmspeak Percy into getting his nails done with her, and they got ice cream. They had a great day and neither thought once about camp, they felt like normal teenagers. They got back to camp late at night, by pegasus of course, and were surprised to see nobody was waiting.

"You know after today i'm not ready to go back to training." Piper confessed as they walked through the forest.

"I mean we could always do something else tomorrow, but we might want to get Jason and Leo, They will be pissed that they missed today." They laughed.

"You mean Jason and Leo will be pissed, Annabeth will lecture us about skipping training." Percy frowned, but nodded. Him ad Annabeth were being friendly and Piper wanted her to come.

"You know i don't think she would do that, she seems like the person to break the rules. Just like she is right now." Percy turned and walked straight towards a tree and flicked his hand up. He had hit the brim of Annabeth's hat. "Wise Girl are you stalking us?"

"No i usually take walks, but i do them invisible because the harpies aren't scared of all of us Seaweed Brain. I was walking and heard you talking, now what did me, Jason, and Leo miss today and why weren't you at training?" Percy laughed a deep laugh and started telling Annabeth about his entire day including Olympus with Pipers input.

"So you cut the master bolt in half, then ran away and Piper followed, you guys left camp and spent the day doing whatever you want, and Percy got his nails done?"

"Actually our nails are matching." Piper showed her blue nails which were matching with Percy's.

"Percy was right. Were doing that again tomorrow and you're brining us. I also covered for you with Chiron. Told him, Percy was having a hard time adjusting to camp and Piper was helping him."

"Thanks Wise Girl. Now we should get some sleep so we have plenty of energy for tomorrow." They walked off to their respective cabins and went to sleep.

The next morning at breakfast Percy told Chiron him, Piper, Leo, Jason, and Annabeth wouldn't be a training because he was going to privately train them with hunting knives. Instead the five went into the forest and Percy flame traveled them into the city.

Then ended up buying swimsuits and going to the beach. They watched as Percy took off all his weapons, he had a lot of weapons. They rented surfboards and Percy, Piper, and Annabeth tried to teach the other how to surf. That failed so they ended up just swimming and had water fights, Percy always won.

"You know Thalia would have really liked this." Annabeth said suddenly when they were sitting on the beach.

"Yeah, but my excuse wouldn't have worked with her. I said i was training you guys in hunting knives since i learned from Artemis." They nodded accepting what he said.

"Guys we should go get ice cream or something, since they have no junk food at camp." Leo spoke and Piper and Percy started laughing, but wouldn't explain. They all agreed, so they went and got lunch at a little cafe and got ice cream. Percy and Piper took them back to the abandoned building where they play games.

"What do you guys want to do for dinner?" Percy asked. They all said different things.

"Mexican.' 'Thai.' 'steak.' 'something vegetarian.' 'seafood." Every single one of them wanted something else.

"Ok! Shut up!" They all stopped talking. Percy turned to Piper. "Piper what do you want?"

"Something vegetarian."

"No like what meal?"

"Oh just a salad." He clapped and there was a salad right in front of her. He went around and did that for everyone else then himself.

"Why have we been buying food if you can summon it?" Leo asked.

"I can't summon any food, it has to be a home cooked meal." Everyone nodded. They ate and went exploring before going back to camp. The rest of the week blew by and nobody commented on how none of them went to training. He went to sleep dreading the next morning and also not being able to contain his excitement, he only wished he didn't have to leave Artemis.


A.N. Im so sorry guys its been like 5 days since i last posted and i saw people asking for updates. i just haven't had much time to write and post. Im not forgetting this story im actually always thinking of new ideas i just wasn't able to sit down and write so im sorry i will try to be better about it.

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