Chapter 17

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A.N.  I might be time maybe Percy will come back? I know i already have up to chapter 25 written.


He didn't want to leave so he stayed and watched from the shadows. Chiron and Annabeth took quick notice to her and ran over. He heard snippets of their conversation from his hiding spot, blessing of Artemis came in handy. 'Percy brought you here?' 'Where is her? He told me not to tell you.' he inched closer. 'You can tell me Sage, im looking for him. Did he tell you about Annabeth? He told me that you would ask and not to tell you he said he doesn't want to come back.' He chuckled silently to himself as Annabeth spluttered. 'Well Percy is gone now so you can tell me and he'll never know.'

She did not try that with his little sister. He felt a tug in his gut and a small sphere of water floated over from the ocean. It hovered over Annabeth's head and nobody told her anything, they just watched in amazement. "Oops" He muttered to himself and let the water drop onto her. Everyone laughed.

"Perseus Jackson come out right now!" Oh shit she knew. "I swear to the gods Percy come out right now!" He didn't budge.

"Annabeth dear Percy must have left because he isn't here." Chiron lead her away and looked right at me. He knew.

He knew he should leave, but he stayed at watched Chiron come back and Sage get claimed by Poseidon. She asked Chiron if she could meet Piper. 'Percy said we would be good friends.' were her exact words. Chiron looked confused but lead her to the bug house and summoned Piper.

"Yes Chiron?" His heart twisted when he looked at Piper, he missed his friends. Sage was right.

"A new demigod came today, a daughter of Poseidon and guess who brought her here."

"Who." She looked extremely confused, Percy suppressed giggles.

"None other the Percy Jackson himself. This is Sage Kerwin."

"What did Percy tell you?" Piper's eyes were watering as Sage spoke.

"He told me that you were his best friend and we would be very good friends." He saw Pipers tears. "He also said he missed his friends very much, but he still didn't want to come back because it hurt to much. He said he was sorry and to forget about him."

"Did that idiot really think we would just forget about him?" Sage just shrugged.

"Piper why don't you give Sage a tour around camp?" Piper nodded and lead her out of the Big House. He was about to step out when Sage ran back in.

"Percy told me to give this to you." She held out the letter and ran after Piper. The door swung shut.

"Come out Percy." Chiron sounded tired. He stepped out with a wide grin on his face. "So this is what you've been doing? All the campers that just show up saying a man with red eyes named Jason beings them, they were talking about you?" He nodded. "Then you are also the one bring Artemis new Hunters?" He nodded again.

"Any chance i can convince you to come back." He shook his head. "I expected as much. It was good to see you in person again Percy."

"You to Chiron." The screen door creaked, he slipped back into his place and Annabeth walked in.

"Wheres Percy."

"I don't know my dear, he dropped Sage off and left." Chiron can be a good liar when he wants to be. He thought.

"No i heard you talking to him. You said it was good to see you in person. He's in this room."

"Annabeth you must be hearing things. I haven't seen or talked to Percy in five years."

"No stop lying to me. What's that letter? Its says it's from Percy, let me see it."

"No. Percy told me nobody can read this letter."

"Hes here, he couldn't have left he's here. Percy. Please come back, please i'm sorry. I know you listen to me please."

"I'm sorry Annabeth, but he doesn't want to come back or be found. One day he will, now go to training." She nodded but turned around with the door open.

"Percy i'm going to tell everyone you were here, see how they like that feeling." His anger bubbled over.

"If you don't keep your mouth shut we can tell everyone about what you did, from my perspective. If i came back i could ruin your life Annabeth Chase like you ruined mine. My advice would be to keep your mouth shut." A black arrow came wizing from the shadows and stuck in the wall inches from her face. "Get out!" She turned on her heel and slammed the door behind her. He stepped out and yanked his arrow out of the wall.

"That was a mistake she won't stop now."

"Shes knows first hand how deadly i can be and she can't hurt me. I lied about my Achilles spot to her, what i said was close but not true. She can't hurt me."

"Will you think about coming back? We need you Percy, another great prophecy has been given."

"I know and i know i'm most likely involved because the Fates hate me, but i will have to wait till i'm ready." He got ready to leave. "And Chiron... i'll think about it, it might be time." With that he burst into flames and appeared at Hestia's place.

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