Chapter 11

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A.N. so as of now i'm going to post on Sundays,Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays. So i will be writing at least one chapter and posting at least one each of those days. it might end up being more on some days and i might skip a day but that's what i'm shooting for.


 Two Months later

The camp moral was so low nobody knew what to do. Once the news about Percy got out and his note was read nobody wanted to talk to Annabeth. She was alone, she thought she could turn to Piper, but she wouldn't even look at Annabeth. Annabeth didn't blame them to much, even Piper. She had been and idiot and she'd admit it, now Percy was gone, she lost her best friends, nobody in camp liked her, and she couldn't look at Jack without feeling guilty.

When she found out Percy was missing she didn't know how the react. She felt guilty for playing a part, angry at him for not seeing reason and forgiving her, anger at herself for thinking that. She had hurt him really bad and she knew it, it was the biggest mistake she had ever made. She had been hoping to maybe earn him back as at least a friend since she knew he probably wouldn't date her again, but now with him gone she never got to apologize. The worst part was she still loved him, she loved him so much that it felt as if she was being stabbed in the heart every time he was mentioned. Which wasn't often people were not pretending that he never existed, that he hadn't lead them into battle, or save them countless times. That he wasn't the heart of the camp and they were falling apart without him.

How could they expect her to try and forget her, adorable, awkward, romantic, goofy, wonderful seaweed brain. She missed him so much, she missed his company, the way it felt to be in his arms, his face when she would kiss him on the nose. She almost wished he had died, then she at least knew that he was in Elysium, happy and safe. With him missing she had no idea weather he was dead or alive. He could be being held captive and she couldn't help him.

The part with Piper was still the worst. She missed the happy, carefree, reckless Piper. That Piper was her best friend, the one that there was now is a shell of the old one. She was cold and listless, it was as if she couldn't hear the world going on around her. The old Piper loved to adventure into the forest of to the beach, but she always had a back up, a way to be safe. Now she would take long walking into the forest for hours with nothing but the clothes on her back. He dagger always sat in her cabin and she said she never saw Percy in it.

Nobody knew where she went these long hours but she would always turn up unharmed despite the dangers that lay in the forest.

What they didn't know is everyday she would go and sit on the little spot on the beach, waiting hoping that Percy would be sitting there staring into the sea, that he would come back. There was a Percy shaped whole in her heart and no matter how hard Jason tried, he couldn't fill it. He had taken her on date and done small little things for her which Annabeth thought was very sweet. No matter how hard he tried, she had lost her brother, a member of their little family and nobody could fill that space.

Yes Piper refused to talk to her, and yes she wouldn't even look at her, but Annabeth was still concerned and wouldn't be deterred easily. She wanted her best friend back and she was going to find out where she went.

They went through the normal routine of her being ignored all through breakfast ignoring the looks Jack sent her way staring down Piper. Piper would eat her food, at least she was eating, and once breakfast was over leave to the woods. Piper stood and Annabeth waited three minutes before following. Piper was quite a ways away heading towards the other side of camp.

Annabeth pulled out her invisibility cap and put it on to follow. She felt bad for the way she was taking to get to Piper, but her friend needed her and she needed her to.

Piper walked straight into the forest unarmed, Annabeth was now glad she had her dagger now. She followed close behind Piper careful to be very quite. The tress started to thin and she thought she could smell the ocean, it smelled like Percy. That thought made her sad so she tried to push it away.

She was right they were at the beach, but she had never been to this part of the beach. She looked around the woods had cut it off from the rest of the shore and the trees there were so thick that you would assume it was just forest here. Piper went over to a little box it the trees and opened it, inside were blankets and pillows. Piper pulled out a blanket and just sat looking out at the sea, she was waiting. She realized it with a start.

Annabeth wanted to give her sometime so she walked down the small stretch of sand in the trees. As she got far enough away from Piper she saw a raised pillar of sand that had cracks spreading from it. She studied it a noticed that this wasn't man made, the sand had been worn away by water, but why would it leave a pillar. She turned to the cracks, they looked at least two months old, that was weird. What could have caused them. She climbed the pillar and saw the sand up here was dry as if the sea had never touched it.

There was a jacket, a jacket was sitting in the sand partially buried. She ran over and pulled it out and almost started sobbing. It was Percy high school swim team hoodie. He had been wearing it the day he had found her and Jack. She thought back to that day and replayed the day.

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