Chapter 39

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"Hoods up guys, were making an entrance." Everyone smirked as they put on their hoods and mask along with the Rangers. Percy looked at his former home for so long, a home he fought so hard to protect. "Let's do this."

All the campers were in training as they walked in. Everyone froze and Chiron cantered up to them.

"Who are you?" Chiron asked, Percy laughed.

"The gods should be telling you any seconds." Just then a iris message popped up.

Athena was there. "Chiron you will be getting some new visitors soon... oh there already there. They are not enemies, they are having a cabin put in for them, if you wish to know just ask."

"Who the hell do you think you are, walking into my camp. I want you out, now." A kid walked up to Percy. Percy audibly groaned. They boy had sea green eyes, that was his brother.

Percy ignored the kid and looked to the sky. "Come on Dad! You just couldn't keep it in your pants could you!" Some of the camper snickered, but nobody expected the Lord of the Seas to come down.

Everyone dropped into a bow except the people from the void. "I'm sorry son, i knew you wouldn't be happy." Everyone looked shocked.

"You mean this weakening is my brother." The boy spoke, but was ignored.

"Ok you knew i wouldn't be happy and you still did it, and he had to be an arrogant brat didn't he. I'm not happy. We can talk about this later." Everyone's eyes widened and expect Percy to get zapped but Poseidon just laughed.

"Ok i'll be waiting for your lecture son." He winked at Percy and disappeared.

"That wasn't smart." Annabeth spoke. "To treat a god like that." Percy ignored her and looked to his brother.

"What's your name kid?" The kid brought himself up to his full height of 5'7. Looking very tiny next to Percy being 6'5.

"My name is Tyler son of Poseidon, the most powerful demigod in camp." Percy snorted.

"OK ready for my title." The kid nodded and the people he came with laughed. "I am Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, Hestia, and Chaos. Retrieval of the master bolt, golden fleece, traveler of the sea of monsters, bearer of the titans curse, traveler of the labyrinth, hero of olympus. Champion of Hera and Hestia. Primordial god of Battle, Stars, and Weaponry." Percy unleashed his full aura and Tyler fell to the ground along with everyone else. "I think i'm the most powerful demigod in camp now, and you're behind a lot of people"

He let everyone stand up and was tackled by a girl with brown choppy hair. "Hey Piper." She punched him in the gut.

"Again with the 'hey' i haven't forgotten last time." He laughed.

"Wonderful, i'm going to take the rest of my friends to our new cabin. Goodbye."

Tyler was enough of an idiot after the little show Percy put on. "What did dad not want you in his cabin so you have to go to another." He taunted. Percy turned.

"No i'm choosing to stay in my mother, the creator of the universe, cabin. Also if you try to get in without permission, well you're in for a treat." The Generals, Rangers, and Percy teleported away in a flash of light.

"Percy's back." Annabeth whispered with tears running down her face, she never stopped loving him.


The all collapsed onto the couched in the Chaos cabin in fits of laughter when they remember what just happened.

Everyone pulled off their masks and hoods. "Damn Percy, that was quite a show. I think you made some little kids wet themselves." A ranger name Alex, who was like a brother to him, spoke up.

"Forget little kids, i think he made that douche Tyler shit his pants." Ryder said through gasps of breath.

"Hey the little brat need to be put in his place, i think i did that quite well." Percy said causing a new route of laughter. A loud boom went off and Percy sighed. "Someone tried to get in."

"Who wants to bet that it's that Tyler kid."

"Ryder i'm not going to bet on that because of course it is. Who else is that arrogant?" They laughed and Percy pulled open the door. Ryder was right. About fifty feet from the cabin Tyler lay on his back smoking.

"I warned you what would happen if you came in without permission." Percy called in a sing-song.

"I should be aloud in, i'm a son of Poseidon also." He walked straight up to Percy and tried to look intimidating, he failed.

"See this isn't for Sons of Poseidon, this is children of Chaos or soldiers in the Primordial Army, which you are neither of. Go play your toy train or something." Percy tried to shut the door, but Alex and Ryder held it open so they could watch Tyler.

"You dare talk to me like that! I am the most powerful demigod here!"

"Yo dude i think you forgot his whole speech, you know the part where we're all immortal and Percy is a primordial god. You know more powerful than Zeus by like x10,000." Ryder spoke.

"I heard it, but it's not true. There no way this weakling is a primordial god." Percy smirked.

"Let's test your smarts. What color is a god's blood?" 'Gold' "good now what color is a primorials blood?" 'Silver.' "Correct now here's your proof." Percy pulled a dagger from his belt and drew it across his palm. Sadly he got rid of the curse of Achilles when he became immortal, but he felt no pain. Tylers eyes widened as silver blood leaked out of his hand.

"Am i still not a primordial Tyler? Remember, i could kill you with a flick of my wrist." Percy's eyes burst into green and black flames before he shut the door.

He turned to see everyone crowded around the window watching something. Laughter roared through the room.

"Percy that kid is now trying to convince anyone he can that you came here to kill them. He's gotten slapped at least ten times."

"Its barely been a minute, how has he been slapped that many time?"

"Your friend Piper had some kind words for him." Percy roared with laughter along with everyone else as they watch him try and fail to convince people that Percy was dangerous.


A.N. so i have a lot of chapters pre written and i decided Percy is to happy so its going to get really sad coming up.

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