Chapter 40

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The Primordial Army walked out of their cabin with their hoods up and masks on, none of them wanting to deal with drooling campers. They walked into the pavilion for lunch and conversation stopped. Everyone stared at them as they walked to their table and started eating.

Emm finally snapped from the starring. "Does anyone have anything they would like to say?" She turned to the campers and glared at them. Everyone froze, nobody made a sound. Then a young girl from Hermes cabin spoke up.

"Why do you guys wear your hoods and masks all the time?" She looked scared. Emm softened as she spoke to her.

"We do it because we don't need campers and gods alike drooling over us. Being blessed by Primorials has some perks." She smile at the little girl before looking back at the rest of the campers.

"If that is all stop staring at us like we are in a museum." She sat down and everyone quickly turn away.

"Forgot about me scaring people Emm, you probably going to give them nightmares." Percy smirked at her as he spoke.

"Good they can have all the nightmares they want, they should have been respectful." Their table roared with laughter in the silence.

"Hey Alex, stop giving your crush googly eyes." Alex's head snapped up and he glared at Percy.

"What do you mean?" His voice was deadly calm. Percy smirked.

"Well you look like a love sick puppy from the way your looking at the Aphrodite table. Is there a girl you got your eyes on, because my advice is to go a little lower. They like a looker." Alex growled at Percy. Percy knew he was making him mad, he was doing it on purpose.

"Then why would they be interested in you, you just said they like a looker?" Alex smirked, but his face fell when Percy laughed.

"Its ok im more of a looker then you are. I don't understand what Bella ever saw in you." Alex and Bella had dated for a short amount of time, but quickly decided they were better as friends.

Alex growled and Percy made a 'come-at-me' motion with his hand. Percy smirked as Alex lunged across their table and tackled Percy to the floor. They campers looked terrified as they wrestled each other breaking many things. Alex had Percy pinned down, but Percy flipped them over and Alex kicked up with his legs and Percy flew off. Only to go tackle him to continue the fight.

"Should we stop them?" Emm looked and saw a girl the resembled Annabeth, the girl who Percy told her about.

"Are you Annabeth?" Annabeth nodded and Emm's look turned cold. "No we don't need to do anything. They are brothers in everything but blood, they do this everyday." Annabeth nodded.


"Campers, in honor of our visitors. We will be holding Capture the Flag. It will be just like when the Hunters come, we will try and get the Primordial flag and they will try and get ours. All powers and magical weapons are allowed. No killing and minimal maiming." The younger campers look arrogant, like they thought nothing could beat them

"Go prepare your battle plans, the game will be after dinner like always." Chiron started off towards the big house and Percy stood to leave when he was stopped. He looked up and saw Tyler and Jack with their goons standing over him.

"Oh look the two biggest idiots in camp teamed up. Maybe you'll get something done now." Tyler turned red in anger, but Jack just sneered down at him.

"You still got those scars?" Emm growled from where she was next to him. It was just the two of them, thank god if anyone else was here these guys would be dead.

"Yeah i still have them. I'm thinking of getting them covered, but those must have taken so much brain power from you i don't want to ruin your hard work." Jack was getting angry now and Tyler took over.

"To bad, i was hoping i could give you some more little reminders." Tyler sneered down looking for a reaction.

Percy laughed. "I didn't think you even knew how to spell. Much less spell and hold a knife. I would be worried it would fry that little brain of yours." He turned towards Emmeline. "Emm do you want to go swimming before we have to beat these guys in Capture the Flag?"

"Yeah sure Perce, it's kinda hot out." They stood up, but were pushed back down (they put up no fight).

"You aren't going anywhere sea scum." Jack snarled.

Percy sighed. "Emm should i go all godly on him?" Jack laughed, but Tyler looked terrified. Emmeline nodded. "Now i told you before, i'm a primordial god. You obviously didn't believe me, but Tyler you should know better. You saw that the blood of a primordial runs through my veins." He released his full aura and everyone in camp fell to the ground except Emmeline.

"I think we can go swimming now." They walked out and Emm waved for Percy to go ahead. She walked up to Jack who was slowly standing up. "I've seen the scars and damage you've done first hand, and i fixed it." Her face with inches from his. "You do something like that again and i won't just use my aura you stop you." He nodded quickly in fear.

"Emm! Let's go!" Percy called. She walked up next to him. "What were you doing?" she shrugged indifferently.

"It doesn't matter. Lets change and go to the beach. It's been to long since we went to the beach."

Percy laughed. "Emm it's been like five days."

"Yeah, too long." They cracked up on their way back to the cabin. They looked like they had know each other forever as they went, they didn't see the blond running with tears on her face.


A.N. Guys! Theres only going to be like three more chapters of this story before i start the second one. Im so sad because i dont want this to end even though i know its just this story and their will be more. love you guys and we are almost to 20k reads which is insane!

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