Chapter 22

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A.N are you following me? I don't know what it does if you cant tell i'm not very well educated on wattpad, but if you like the story so something so it tells when i update.


Every step hurt but he kept trying. He needed to get his muscles working again after a week of rest. He winced.

"I know it still hurts Percy we take a break, but we need to get your muscles used to moving around again also your still sore so sit down and have some water." Apollo handed him a glass of water which filled him with energy. He stood up.

"Percy you're still human you're going to need to stretch your muscles which will hurt alot but i should help ok."

"What are we going to do?" He didn't trust Apollo.

"Yoga!" He groaned.

"Percy i am your doctor and i'm telling you this will help. It might look and sound very dumb, but would you rather take another week getting your body functioning again or just do this for like three days for a hour and been done?"

"Let's get this over with." Apollo snapped his fingers and they were in workout clothes and yoga mats appeared. Just then Hestia decided to walk in.

"Hey Aunt Hestia want to join us in some yoga so Percy will actually do it.?" I glared at him and Hestia as she giggled but nodded and he got a mat and clothes too. "Let's get to work."

Thirty minutes later i was a miracle he hadn't killed Apollo, I hated to admit it it had helped a lot.

"So we only need to do this for two more day then i will be free?"

"Around then so two more days of just eating resting and doing yoga then a day of making sure everything is right then you're free to go."

"Ok i can do that."

"Percy i brought something for you because you are so upset about doing a little bit of yoga." He glared but she just laughed and pulled out a box of blue cookies.

"Yes! You're the best." He took the box and started eating them. Apollo and Hestia each started eating them with him and Artemis walked in.

"Do i want to know?" She looked at the huddled around a box eating cookies in workout clothes.

"Probably not, but you want a cookie."

"Percy don't talk with your mouth full." Hestia chided.

"Yes mother." Artemis laughed but joined them in eating the cookies.

"So why the workout clothes?" Percy made a noise of disagreement which Apollo ignored.

"After a week of rest we need to get Percy muscles used to working out again so i made him do yoga. Hestia joined us to make Percy do it." Artemis laughed and Percy growled.

"So how did the Hunters react to the news?"

"Thalia and Kira were the most excited. Some of the older girls were a little hesitant, but they all came around and are very excited to have you. Their only rule was you respect them they respect you. And you follow that already so we're good."

"Thats a relief i didn't want to have to worry about getting killed everyday." They all laughed.

"These cookies are really good, but why are they blue?"

"They were my mother recipe and the blue was our little way of rebelling. Hestia's palace can make them because for me they taste like home."

"That's really sweet?"

"Yeah but the cookies are sweeter."

"Percy can you take anything seriously?" Hestia sighed but there was playfulness in her voice.

"I mean i can, but then i would be like Zeus thinking everything is trying to overthrow me."

"Lets keep it this way Perce."

"Deal Apollo." They all laughed and were happy, this was the first time he had felt genuinely happy for the first time.

"I have to get back to my hunters and Percy when you get to us watch out for Thalia." She smirked and left. A look of pure terror came over Percy's face.

"Why that face Percy?"

"No Hestia you don't understand. She is going to murder me not even joking i'm going to be dead in the underworld. I left for five years and she thought i was dead. Thalia is very overprotective especially over me, Jason, and Nico. Nico once almost died from shadow traveling and once he woke up he got an iris message where she yelled at us for an hour."

"Yikes dude she sounds like Artemis."

"Does Artemis shock you with lightning if you're being annoying and if you piss her off strike you with a bolt of lightning?"

"No she send wild animals after me and shoot me with arrows."

"I've gotten the arrows from Thalia to." they both shivered at the thought.

"I am never flirting with her again."

"She worse than Zoe." Apollo shivered again and Hestia just laughed.

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