Chapter 15

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A.N. So i'm going to clear somethings that will come into play later. The second great prophecy was delivered five years later then it actually is, because it was when i needed it to be. And it will take at least two more years after that to go into play. Jason was already at Camp Jupiter but go amnesia somehow (Hera?) and ended up at Camp Half-Blood a couple months after the war, he was already Praetor at the time and has his tattoo and had no false memories they became friends naturally. I think that's all anything else will be explained later.


"Percy it's been four years and as much as i love having you around a training you in your fire and water powers, i think it's time you go back. Trust me the camp still misses you and whenever people leave they are told to watch out for you."

"I said no! I don't want to go back, i like it here i like this place and i like hanging out with you. I have no need to go back to camp and i never had the intention to why would i change my mind."

"Percy it's been four years!"

"Then they can wait five, and then six, and seven, and eight. I don't want to go back." They have had arguments like this every year when the anniversary of his disappearance came around. "Hestia, she betrayed me and i still haven't forgiven her, i'm grateful that she helped Piper, but i don't want to go back. That place is filled with pain and i have no intent of ever going back. I've been saying that for four years."

"Fine I will try again next year." 'wont get anywhere' Percy grumbled to himself then froze and there was the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"Hera what a surprise. What do you need?" Hestia stepped in front of Percy like it would help.

"Well i wanted advice, but now i would like to know why Percy Jackson, who everyone had been looking for, is in your palace."

"Fine let's talk over dinner, Percy go tell the kitchen." He nodded and walked away wanting to get away from Queen Hera. "Here wait in here the food will be out soon." She lead her into the dinning room then went to find Percy.

She found him sitting in the kitchen. "Percy..."

"We fucked up. We fucked up big time."

"Percy language, but yes we did. She won't tell anybody if you are kind a respectful. Tell her what you told me, just apologize for what you have done to her and be VERY polite. No smart comments or snide remarks."

"Fine, i'm doing this for you you know." He wasn't happy about it, but he did feel sorry for how he had treated Hera.

"I know thank you." They got up the leave. "Also bow it will help."

"Fine, but i won't like it." He never bowed to the olympians, except his father which he didn't do much anymore. He told Hestia he wouldn't bow to and olympian till they stopped acting like children. He decided he wasn't going to bow, but he would be polite.

They walked into the dining room where Hera was sitting questions burning in her eyes. "Queen Hera." He nodded and did not bow which caused Hestia to let out a sigh.

"Care to explain Perseus?" He nodded kinda scared.

"Before we start i would like to apologize for my disrespectful behavior to you in the past. It has been many years and i know i shouldn't have treated you like that, you were doing what you could."

"I accept you apology Perseus, i wasn't always the nicest. Now where have you been for the past four years?"

"For many months i was out in the forest traveling the country, i prayed to Hestia and she gave me a home and a place to train my powers."

"Do you understand what you leaving did? The camp was falling apart. It has gotten better but they still miss you and pray for your return."

"I left believing at the time i was helping and i still believe that. I am no longer burdening them and bringing monsters, i can't hurt them if i'm gone." His voice cracked and for the first time he was ok with it, he was two people he could trust.

"Perseus they never thought you were a burden, they miss you very much."

"I caused them problems and now Piper will have a chance to be happy without worrying about me. They can all move on and be happy."

"Piper was very depressed until Annabeth talked her out of it."

"She forgave that little conniving bitch." It wasn't a question.

"Percy language!" Hestia scolded, which he ignored.

"She needed somebody and so did Annabeth, the entire camp turned on her once the full story came out."

"Why do they have to be so god damn loyal."

"That ironic coming from you." Hestia snorted.

"Oh ha ha. Let's get back to the point, Lady Hera you understand why i left and why i don't want to go back. Please don't tell the council, if you have another solution i would be open to it but i just don't want to be Percy Jackson if i go back." He pleaded with her.

"We could change your appearance and you could continue saving demigods like you do with Hestia. And if she wouldn't mind i could give you other demigods to save. This way you could visit the camp but stay in disguise if you wish."

"Of course i would be ok with you giving him more work, he gets bored very easily. If you accept Percy then we will do it."

"I accept and Lady Hera since we will be working alot closer together please call me Percy."

"I can do that, now we could just change your eyes and hair, to like and orange and a auburn like Hestia's then just tell them you are an abandoned demigod who was adopted by Hestia."

"Yes i think that will work quite nicely sister. So shall we do it now?" Percy nodded and Hera snapped her fingers and changed his appearance.

"Just snap your fingers to change it back and forth." He tested it out and felt the tingling as his eyes and hair changed.

"I think works?" The goddess laughed and Hera stood.

"Your secret is safe with me Percy. I wish you luck i will come when i have a mission for you."

"Thank you Lady Hera." He bowed this time. That brings the count up to four Olympians he will bow to.

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