Chapter 43

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A black flash of light blinded them all. "Perseus!"

Percy turned and rolled his eyes at the creator of the universe. "Yes mother." The campers all dropped into low bows and watching in fear as Percy sassed the creator of the universe.

"Perseus i told you, i told you no attacking, killing, or sever maiming and you just almost caused two of the most powerful gods to fade. Your lucky they didn't."

"I think unlucky is the correct word. I wish they would fade, no more arrogant children of Zeus, no more stuck up children of Poseidon. Then maybe i wouldn't be forced to risk my soldiers and families lives for these stuck up idiots."

"Were the stuck up idiots?" Jason stepped forward. "You're the one that just messed with a son of Zeus." Jason shot lightning at Percy and when dust cleared everyone's eyes widened. Percy stood there twirling lightning bolt between his fingers.

"Yes you are the idiots, i think it's been three times i've told you i'm a primordial. Can you not understand that. Like Gaea embodies the earth, i am the stars, i'm am there in every battle, i am in every one of your weapons. Every battle you've fought i was there whispering in your ear, i am your battle instincts. My power comes from every battle, every star, every weapon." He hurled the lightning back at Jason who flew there multiple trees and was unconscious.

"Who are you, because i don't know this Percy. My Percy would never hurt his friends." Piper stood in front of him.

"I am Perseus Jackson, son of Hestia and Chaos. Prince of the universe, commander of the Primordial Army, leader of the Rangers. The Percy you knew died, after he watch members of his family get killed over and over again." His voice turned into a hiss at the end. "Give me one good reason why i should stay and not recall my entire army and let you die." Nobody spoke.

He waited. A blond spoke, Annabeth. "Because we are your real family Percy, we've been through everything together. We went through a war together, we were in love."

"What i went through with you and that war, seem like a day of rest compared to what i have seen. I went through more wars they Olympus has ever been through! I watched people i love die because i couldn't save them! Don't you dare call me weak because i have been strong for too long!" The earth started to shake around them as he yelled. "My family are the rangers, generals, and Primorials! You guys are nothing to me! I would rather let you die then watch another one of my family die!" He turned to Chaos. "I meant what i said, this is your fault!" A final shock wave went through the camp and they heard cabins falling and people screaming. Percy just vanished, no light no shadows. They couldn't track him now.


It had been two weeks since Percy disappeared, the rangers were looking for him all over the planet, but came up empty handed. They were told he was still on earth. The generals weren't allowed to go after him since they had to help fix the camo, which they didn't actually do.

If any campers pissed them off it usually ended with quite a few people in the infirmary. But Emmeline was the worst, if a camp said anything against Percy they would find themselves being grabbed by shadows and held in place unable to move. Nobody could stop the shadows, not even Nico.

Eventually Tyler got bored and started spreading rumors about how Percy was dead. All the generals got him. Ryder lifted him into the air while Emm help him up there. Everyone else used their many powers to beat him up, badly. When they let him go he was just a pile of flesh, his face was so deformed it had taken weeks to heal properly even with Apollo's help. Poseidon had come down to threaten them but, they just sent him on his way after beating him.

Emmeline was sitting on the pier watching the lake. "Hello." A cold voice spoke from behind her. She didn't even grab a weapon, just turned and saw Annabeth.

"What do you want blonde?" Grey eyes met grey.

"Why didn't you grab a weapon? I could have attacked you."

"Because none of the generals would sneak up on me besides Ryder, who can't be quiet for his life, the rangers aren't here and none of you brats could hurt me." She turned back to the lake and dipped her feet in.

Annabeth came and sat next to her, Emm tensed. "Why do you hate me Emmeline?"

"Because i do." SHe didn't want to be having this conversation right now.

"There's a reason, there is always a reason for something. Nothing is without reason." She babbled.

"Maybe its because you're a conceited know-it-all." She muttered ending her rant.

"What?" She asked indignantly.

"You act like a know-it-all and think you're the smartest person to ever exist. You are stuck up and cocky. We don't tolerate people like that, you act like that you fight Percy or the Rangers till you're taken down a peg. If that doesn't work the Primorials get involved, if i had it my way that's what would be happening."

"No there's a deeper reason you hate me, and it's Percy. You hate me because of Percy. Do you like him?"

"No. I don't like you because you hurt him and the scum you cheated on him with did also. He's my brother, i was the first person he opened up to in Shining City and he was the first person i opened up to. You hurt my family, i'm not going to like you." She stood up. "Thank you for this incredibly boring chat which only made me hate you more. Oh, did he ever show you the scars?" She walked off.


It had been months since Percy disappeared and everyone had gone back to Shining City, he was still untraceable. Nobody could find is aura, he left no clues to where he went, they questioned Hestia who didn't have him, neither did Hera. He was never gone for this long, he would never leave Annie and Mary like this.

They all sat on their thrones for the usually meeting. Topics ranger from this enemy that we don't know, Percy, and just boring City stuff. Ather was going on about something that nobody was listening to and suddenly everyone just stopped. They felt a very strong aura just appear right outside the doors. Nothing was like this aura, it was sad and lonely, it felt sorry. Chaos waved her hands and the doors flew open...


A.N. There you go last chapter!!!! Haha im evil! Be happy with this cliffhanger because i havent even started writing the next story or thought of a name. Love youuuuuuuu!! <3

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