Chapter 29

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Percy walked towards the beach, he was in the forest after the game and he didn't want to be at camp anymore.

"I was stupid to come back. Nothing's changed." He told himself.

"I think it was one of the best decisions you've made, and a lot has changed" He whipped around fire blazing in his hand. The flames quickly died down once he saw Piper leaning against a tree.

"How did you know where i was?"

"I know you Percy, you're going to our spot. Wanna camp?" He nodded and they walked towards the beach. "Percy will you tell me about your adventures? I want to know what you did."

"I don't know Piper, i did some very bad things for a very good cause, but that doesn't make it right. I don't really want to talk about it."

"Maybe one day. That's fine Percy it's a good thing you have more stories to tell me about your quest." She smirked up at him and he mock glared down at her, he had gotten scarier.

"OK i guess." His eyes were fractured, not broken, but not fixed.

"Percy what's bothering you?"

"Nothing, i'm fine Piper." She crossed her arms and looked at him with a knowing look. "Nothing i'm fine."

"Percy you're anything but fine right now and you're going to tell me."

"Piper i don't want to talk about, i don't want to burden you." She softened.

She walked up and put a soft hand on his cheek. "Percy when will you realize you've never been a burden?" He just shook his head and turned away.

"We forgot the stuff to camp." She smiled just at her best friend.

"No we didn't, i never moved it." He looked confused. She walked over to the trunk at the edge of the forest and opened. Inside were plenty of blankets, pillows, and his junk box.

"You kept this all here for the past five years?"

"Well my mother blessed them so they can't break or get dirty. I spent a lot of time out here at one time. Also do you want it to just be us of do you want to get some others?"

He smiled. "I'll go get some others." He ran off towards camp and she went to get Jason and Leo.

"Hey Sparky!" She walked into the arena where he was practicing. He stopped at her voice and smiled at her.

"Yeah Pipes?"

"Come with me were doing something now that Percy is back and you and Leo are going to help me. Go take a shower first." He laughed and walked off towards his cabin.

She walked to the forges. "Leo! Leo!" He stepped out from behind some giant thing that she didn't know what it was.

"Sup Pipes. Whatcha need?"

"I need you to go shower then help me and Jason do something ok." He nodded and she walked off. "Now Annabeth." She muttered to herself.

She knew Percy wouldn't invite Annabeth and she didn't want to see her friend hurt, so she was going to. Wait, will it hurt Percy to see her? She hadn't thought of that. Percy was strong and she would talk i'm into at least being friendly, but if Annabeth didn't go she would be crushed. She walked off towards cabin 6.

"Annabeth." She pushed open the door and saw Annabeth at her desk, but not working. She sighed. "Annabeth what's wrong?" The girl looked up at her, she had been crying.

"I don't understand Piper." She looked like she had a problem she couldn't solve, that problem was Percy.

"What don't you understand?" She sat on a bed across from the blond

"I thought... i thought he would have forgiven me. I thought with him coming back, i thought maybe he would consider dating me again, but during capture the flag when he froze everyone, we spoke. He told me he would still trust me with his life, but even in a thousand year that trust would never be the same. Piper i took him for granted and he told me he would never date me again. Straight to my face Piper."

"Annabeth i'm really sorry, but i'm not going to help you get him back." She knew what the next question would be, so she shut it down. "I want Percy to be happy and so do you. There is somebody else that makes him happy, i don't know who, but he's in love again."

"How do you know?" SHe didn't believe her.

"I just kinda know, last time i saw him his eyes were shattered. Now they've been fixed, not completely, but they have been fixed. I'm sorry." She nodded. "I came to tell you that we are having a little camp down at the beach. I knew Percy probably wouldn't invite you, but i want you to be there. So will you help me, Jason, and Leo set it up?"

"What do you mean camp? Like down at the beach?"

"Yeah that little spot, i don't know who Percy is bringing, but he won't plan for everybody."

"Yeah ok i'll help." She stood up.

"One rule. I will talk to Percy and make him be friendly, but you can't throw yourself at him. Just be his friend again, that's the first step."

"Ok, i can do that."

"Well Jason and Leo have probably showered so let's get started.


A.N. So i completely changed my mind on something super big. so what ever you thought was going to happen probably wont so you will just have to keep reading my shitty writing to find out.

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