Chapter 42

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"Percy you shouldn't have done that, i don't like people bowing to me."

He let out a snort. "Yeah but it's really funny to see how frightened they are of us." he sat on the edge of the bed. "I mean making them scared is kinda like my pay back." He laughed and sounded almost insane.

"Percy, that was a long time ago. Scaring them won't help anything." She sat in a chair as she spoke softly.

"Time doesn't make a difference, i wish i never came back here, i wish i didn't have to be part of another one of their stupid prophesies, i wish we could have stayed in Shining City."

"Percy you can't always have what you want. You need to beat what life throws at you"

"No! I can't always have what i want because if i could i wouldn't have had to be betrayed to go to the Void! I wouldn't have to go through so much pain and loss! I wouldn't be here right now!" The entire camp shook as a earth quake came through. "I wouldn't have such an asshole of a brother! I would have my mom and Paul! I would be happy again! I haven't been happy since the Titan War!"

"Percy..." Percy cut her off.

"No! Don't try and talk to me and tell me it will be ok, because it won't! I'm going to go through another pointless war losing my friends and family! Then i will get offered some pointless gift and everyone brushes it off!" He slammed his fist onto the desk splitting it in two and causing another large earthquake. "I said i didn't want to fight for them again, i said i would never come back here! You made me! You brought this pain on me! If you had let us stay in the Void i would be happier, i wouldn't be dealing with all this shit! Do you know what it's like being back here? It's a constant reminder of everyone i lost. Everyone!" He flashed Chaos out of his room, put up a barrier and proceed to smash everything causing major damage to the camp.

Everyone in the camp heard everything, they heard his pain. They heard how much this was really hurting him, and nobody could even get to him.


The Generals and Rangers kept trying to flash in only to not be able to get through his barrier. None of the campers could even get close to the cabin, and if anyone immortal tried to walk up it would shoot them across camp.

Everyone once and awhile a earthquake would run through the camp, the beach was getting destroyed and a storm was forming above his cabin.

Emmeline finally made all the campers clear off and go deal with the damage while the others tried to think of a plan.

They sat in the big house brainstorming. "So we can't get in by force and we can't talk to him because Iris Messages won't go through." Emmeline spoked defeatedly.

"Percy said he will come out when he's ready, he took down the barrier around the cabin" Ryder said while tipping back in the chair.

"How do you know that!" Emm demanded.

"I just sent him a mind message, he can't block those. I just bugged him till he answered." He closed his eyes after he said his piece.

"I cant belive im saying this, but that's a good idea Ryder. Let's go back the cabin." They walked up to their cabin to see Annabeth waiting outside. Emm put a barrier that would only let people she choose through, there was no way that bitch was seeing Percy. "Ok guys come on in." She walked right past her pretending she didn't exist and ushered everyone else in, right when she was about to close the door Annabeth spoke.

"Why can't i get in?" She sounded snooty which made Emmeline hate her even more.

"Because this isn't your cabin, your not part of the army so it won't let you in." She turned around.

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