Chapter 27

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He walked into the dining pavilion and conversation came to a stand still. Everyone was gaking at him and he really didn't like it; he felt like when he just got claimed, like he was something that shouldn't exist.

"Go back to your food!" His voice carried through the silence and everyone quickly turned back around. He made his way over to the hunters table and the whispers started up again.

'Why is he sitting with the hunters? I thought they hated men? I wonder what Percy did to make him like him? Do you think that if Percy can sit with one i could get one to date me?' That last one made Percy fist clench, if they thought they would have a chance with these girls they would have to go through Artemis, him, and them. They were his sisters now.

"It's ok, we're used to it by now. Some guys are just idiots wanting to get their ass kicked." Thalia put a hand on his shoulder and spoke into his ear to make him relax. He nodded, but still felt the anger.

The nymphs came with his usual BBQ and blue coke. He felt a sharp slap on the head right after his cup was refiled. He turned around with a sigh.

"Hello Juniper." He braced himself for the lecture and slapping he was about to get.

"What were you think? You can't just go a disappear for five year and walk in here like its normal." Her voice was low but you could hear the anger.

"Well its ok im not staying for long." She didn't know how to react for she just huffed and walked away.

He turned back to his food but not long after Chiron stomped his hoof to get their attention. "Tonight in honor of the Hunters coming to stay we will be playing capture the flag, hunters and campers." All the campers groaned and the hunters smirked.

"Sir is Percy going to be play with the girl to make it easier for him, i mean they are just girls." Jack spoke. Quicker than lightning multiple arrows had stuck him to a pillar and many more were pointed at him. What made him the most scared was Percy, his eyes were glowing with greek fire in the palm of one hand and Riptide in the other.

Percy walked towards Jack slowly and nobody made a move to stop him. He put Riptide to the boys throat. "No lying bitch to save you this time, this will be fun. You ever speak about my sisters again and i won't be the one you should be scared of, but if you really think your so powerful we can duel. Swords and powers aloud if you want." Percy growled in his ear. "Did you hear that? I challenge Jack here to a duel, swords, he can decide if we use powers or not! Do you accept or are you to afraid?"

"I'm not scared of you, after all you were the one that ran away from his problems when he was scared, then you went and made flower crowns." A silver arrow was shot at his leg, but Percy vaporized in. Jack thought Percy was trying to save him, he was wrong.

Percy smirked at him. He pulled Riptide away from his neck, then he lit the blade of fire. Not greek fire, just fire. He suddenly became a blur, he slashed the back to Jack's knees, he did extinguished the fire. Jack fell to his knees and Percy made small wounds deep enough to hurt on his arms, legs, and back. Then Percy reappeared in front of him.

"You already accepted." He growled so only Jack could hear then turned to the camp. "Since i'm not a camper anymore i'm going to be playing for the hunters. See you at the game." he smiled a cold smile then walked off to the big house.

The campers looked down at Jack who was covered in small wound which would have taken immense skill to create with that power and range. "Someone take him to the infirmary." Nobody want to approach Jack just in case they faced Percy's wrath, but Annabeth stepped forward and did it with as little contact as possible.

Percy was at the Big House in one of the spare rooms. Chiron had told him that's where they had put his old armor and choice weapons. He ignored the weapons and put on his armor. He didn't know what to think of himself after what he had just done to Jack. He decided to be honest with himself. He loved that feeling of power and if it had been anyone else he would have felt horrible for letting his anger get the best of him, but he couldn't make himself feel bad for hurting Jack.

He walked out to the campfire where the teams were. Annabeth walked up. "Are you happy that he had to sit out the game after what you did?"

"In case you hadnt noticed im on the Hunters team, he should be thankful he's out of the game." He turned away and walked over to Thalia, none of the Hunters were wearing armor.

"Kelp Face you should take your armor off, you'll move faster without it and none of them will be able to hit you."

"You're right i don't know why i put it on. Help me take it off and i can put it back with all my old stuff." she nodded and with two of them they quickly got all the armor off. He took it in his arms and flame traveled away. He reappeared armor free and with his weapons concealed.

"They don't have any chance this time."

"Not like they did any other time Pinecone Face."

"True." They snickered as they walked to hide their flag.

"Percy what was the worst place the hunters ever put it when you were a camper?" Phoebe asked with a glint in her eye.

"A place made by our beloved Zoe, up that tree." He pointed to the tallest tree in the small clearing.

"Perfect." Phoebe expertly scaled the tree and came back down. "Percy you Chloe and Kira can protect the flag. Um..."

"No way. This is the first time i will be on the winning side for one of these matches, i want to go after the flag." His eyes had a harsh light in them and Phoebe smirked.

"Well then they have no chance. OK Alyssa you stay with Chloe and Kira got it." They heard the conch shell, the game was starting.


A.N. i thought i should catch up for all the days i missed so here you go. Also thank you lovepercabeth123 i saw all your lovely comments XD.

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