Chapter 31

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Percy was walking with a purpose, he walked straight towards the arena and saw it empty. Then, a boy walked in, that boy was Jack. "I see you recovered well." He stepped out in front of Jack.

"Do you need something?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yes since i'm leaving soon, i'm going to need that dual. Now. Or do you need to warm up?" Jack growled at him.

"I'm surprised you don't need to warm up. I mean you the one who went dancing in the flowers for months." Percy just laughed as a tornado of fire swirled in his palm.

"Go get you stuff, see you in the arena. Oh, i'll take care of the crowd." He walked off towards the big house.

Chiron coming. "You want me to call the camp for you dual dont you?"

"How did you know?"

"Well the arena is right there and Jack isn't exactly a quite person is he." Percy laughed.

"So will you do it?" Chiron sighed and nodded. A satyr blew the conch horn and the campers came.

"Campers! There will be a dual in half and hour! If you would like to watch go to the amphitheater at that time! That is it!" The campers started talking quickly and pointed at Percy. Annabeth, Piper, Jason, and Leo came up to him.

"Jack?" Percy nodded to Piper.

"Ok Perce, let's got get you some armor and go." Jason put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah dude you can destroy him without breaking a sweat."

"Thanks Leo, i know you're right, i'm not going to wear armor. He's too proud to decline using powers and he doesn't have any. I can beat him from across the floor."

"That cruel Percy." Annabeth chided.

"Meh, he deserves it after everything, and if you heard what he just said about the hunters you would want to kill him to."

"You're going to kill him." Piper's eyes widened.

"No, if he dies it would have been a complete accident, i would never voluntarily kill another person. Even in battle i wouldn't."

"Don't let an accident happen, got it." 

"Yes Piper chill."

"You're going to tell me to chill. You just sounded like you were going to kill him." Percy sighed.

"I won't ok." She narrowed her eyes but nodded. "Now let's go sit around and wait till he's ready."

"Weapons Percy." He smirked at Annabeth. A bow materialized on his back, hunting knives appeared at his waist, he twisted his right which became a spear which was put across his back, and he pulled Riptide out of his pocket.

"I always have them."

"Dude, i need to become friends with gods." Leo studied the bow on his back.

"Yeah do that, then get to the point where they pretty much let you do anything, then get one to adopt you and convince the goddess that hated demigods that she shouldn't. Then maybe you can get some."

"Bro you got a lot to tell us." Jason said as they walked towards the crowd.

They got to his room where they sat talking. "So you became Hestia's champion, she pretty much gave you her palace, she adopted you, you convinced Hera that demigods were good, and got into hunter's camp and this camp with nobody knowing for years?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"Unbelievable, why do the craziest things always happen to you, i will never understand."

"It's ok Wise Girl, you usually get pulled into everything anyways." The two laughed as if they were sharing an inside joke, just then a kid named Will Solace walked in.

"Percy it's time." Percy nodded and stood with Riptide in his hand. "Good luck."

"Thanks." Percy followed will out into the temporary arena. "Are you the on hand medic?"

"Yeah i'm supposed to heal you if you get to banged up."

"You know i have a sneaking suspicion that i won't get a scratch. You might want to stand closer to Jack." Will laughed know he was invincible.

"You know i think that suspicion is right." They laughed and Percy got into position.

"Percy Jackson vs Jack Henderson. Jack was challenged by Percy who said Jack can choose powers or no powers. So Jack can powers be used?" Chiron spoke with almost pity whenever he said Jack's name.

"Powers even with them this will be a piece of cake." A couple younger campers who didn't know Percy laugh, but nobody else.

"Well then, powers can be used. Start now!"

Percy was off, Jack started to charge but he barely moved before a wall of fire surrounded him. Percy just watched as Jack looked for an opening. He saw Annabeth frowning at him. Percy sighed as he removed the fire. Jack charged again, this time Percy used water.

Water was pulled straight from the air and cocooned him. He tried to step through the water which started to swirl faster until touching it would rip him off his feet.

"This is boring." He spoke to himself. The water evaporated into steam and he pulled his bow.

Arrow after arrow struck his armor, Percy was just taunting him. His bow turned into thin air and he pulled his knives. He left Jack get close enough for them to fight. Jack had a sword and fought like a demon, but his anger made him reckless, Percy could block every strike. He pushed Jack back and held him off with fire while Percy summoned water and took a drink. That water gave him even more energy. The wall of fire came down and Percy was standing with Riptide waiting. He had yet to put a scratch on Jack, but that was going to change. He charged and their swords met.

They both had lots of power behind each strike, but Percy's were calculated and Jack's were reckless and sloppy. Jack used all his power and pushed their face close together.

"So you're going to hide behind your powers, so people will want you again. Why did you come back? Nothing changed, you're still a burden and nobody loves you. Nobody loved you then and nobody does now. You're alone in this world, you have no family, nothing to go home to. You couldn't protect your friends, you couldn't protect your parents. You are worthless. You are nothing. We don't need you." His anger reached boiling point.

He pushed his sword at Jack so hard he stumbled back. Percy ran back and dropped to his knees. "Ahh Surrendering are we."

"Actually quite the opposite." He slammed his fist into the ground so hard the concrete cracked. A shock wave rumbled through the ground and threw Jack off his feet and across the arena.

The flame traveled over so he was standing over his with a sword pointed at his throat. He crouched down so only Jack would hear.

"You can say whatever you want about me but it won't matter. Because you will never be a war hero, you will never have as much power as i do, i could boil your blood, i could freeze your insides. But i won't so you forfeit and we can leave and i can enjoy my friends while i'm here." He pulled the point of his sword away, He stood and Jack tried to slice the back of his knees but the sword bounced off.

"Yeah i'm still invincible." As quick as he did before he started to leave little nicks again. "Do you surrender!" His knives were at his neck.

"I forfeit this dual!" Percy smiled a cold smile and walked off. 


A.N. That little bitch got put in his place. Thank you i love getting on and seeing comments asking for updates and we are so close to 10k. i wont be able to post as often but im trying.

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