Chapter 26

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Life with the hunters had been great, he really loved all the chores and work he had to do. No, he did really enjoy spending time with Thalia and all the girls he had rescued, but he knew it was time to face camp. There was going to be a meeting held on Mt. Olympus for multiple days so the hunters would be staying at camp. Instead of transporting them all there, they were taking their time.

They arrived at the camp to a full welcome, though most were there for him. Many of his old friends were crying, but he didn't see Annabeth or Piper. He was really excited to see Piper again, also very scared for what she would do to him. It had been five years since they had last seen each other and she was a very scary person when she wanted to be, especially when she was angry.

"Hey." He pushed open the door to the big house and was tackled him a hug that almost pushed him to the ground. "I will never understand how people think you're weak Piper, you are currently killing me." He looked up and saw her kaleidoscope eyes. She pulled him to his feet and he was expecting another hug when the side of his face started stinging. She had slapped him so hard he could feel the mark it had left. "Missed you to Pipes."

"It has been five years since we've seen each other! And you say 'Hey'! Percy you don't have any idea how scared i was! And the first word i got of you was that you had been captured! You are lucky i haven't knocked the lights out of you!" He heard snickering behind him and turned to give Thalia the bird. Artemis covered Kira's eyes.

"Percy little eyes and ears are here." He grumbled something about how it was just his finger only to get whacked on the head by Artemis. He glared at her but she just smiled back.

He was suddenly enveloped in a hug. He saw blond hair and she smelled that same as she had last time she hugged him. He tensed up, but smirked when he saw Artemis glaring.

"Hello Annabeth." He pulled her of him and stepped back. She looked a little hurt, but what did she expect? Him to run into her arms and have just magically forgiven everything? He looked at her, his face was an expressionless mask. Chiron quickly noticed and brushed over it.

"So Percy you and the Hunters got back just in time for dinner. Annabeth you and Piper run along and take Kira to her cabin, i must speak with Percy and Lady Artemis." They nodded and left with Kira in tow. "Percy what will you arrangements be? Where will you be eating and sleeping?"

"I can stay in my old cabin, but can i eat with the Hunters while they stay so it isn't lonely. You know i've been meaning to talk to you about that. I think you should combine all the tables so we're not so lonely."

"Percy stay on topic." Artemis spoke over him cutting him off.

"Yes right. So if it's ok with you too i will eat with them and just kinda do whatever for training."

"You are welcome to eat at my table Percy."

"If Lady Artemis says you can, then you can."

"Good because i'm starving and it has been a long time since i had blue coke." They laughed together. "Hey Moonbeam could you convince them not to kill me? i would really hate to die now." she glared at him, but nodded. She flashed away.

"You and Lady Artemis seem to be getting along quite well." Chiron raised an eyebrow as they walked out of the house.

"I needed a friend and she needed one to." He just shrugged of Chiron's accusations. "I'm starving let's go to dinner." Percy started walking towards the door.

"Percy?" He froze and looked at Chiron. "You're not going to stay long are you?"

"No i'm not. I'll come visit, but i'm not staying." Chiron nodded and Percy walked out the door.


A.N. I want to say thank you because i see every comment and every vote and i read every last one. So if you have questions for me or about the story or just want to recommend something comment and i will try to answer in these. Also thank you for over 6k reads and everything. I'm going to try and get into writing a lot again because i took a small break if you hadn't noticed.

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